Thursday, September 3, 2020
Regrouping and Carrying Over in Mathematics
Refocusing and Carrying Over in Mathematics At the point when children are learning two-digit expansion and deduction, one of the ideas theyll experience is refocusing, which is otherwise called getting and conveying, extend, or segment math. This is a significant arithmetic idea to learn, in light of the fact that it makes working with huge numbers reasonable while computing math issues by hand. Beginning Before handling persist math, its essential to think about placeâ value, some of the time called base-10. Base-10 is the methods by which numerals are appointed spot esteem, contingent upon where a digit is comparable to the decimal. Each numeric position is multiple times more prominent than its neighbor. Spot esteem decides a digits numerical value.â For instance, 9 has a more noteworthy numerical incentive than 2. They are additionally both single entire numbers under 10, which means their place esteem is equivalent to their numerical worth. Include them together, and the outcome has a numerical estimation of 11. Every one of the 1s out of 11 has a better place esteem, be that as it may. The initial 1 involves the tens position, which means it has a spot estimation of 10. The subsequent 1 is during the ones position. It has a spot estimation of 1. Spot worth will prove to be useful while including and taking away, particularly with twofold digit numbers and bigger figures. Expansion Expansion is the place the extend standard of math becomes an integral factor. Lets take a basic expansion question like 34 17.â Start by arranging the two figures vertically, or on each other. This is called columnâ addition on the grounds that 34 and 17 are stacked like a column.Next, some psychological math. Start by including the two digits that involve the ones spot, 4 and 7. The outcome is 11.à Look at that number. The 1 during the ones spot will be the main numeral of your last total. The digit during the tens position, which is 1, must be then positioned on the other two digits during the tens position and included. At the end of the day, you should persist or refocus the spot an incentive as you add.à More mental math. Include the 1 you continued to digits previously arranged during the tens positions, 3 and 1. The outcome is 5. Spot that figure during the tens section of the last total. Worked out evenly, the condition should resemble this: 34 17 51. Deduction Spot esteem comes into place in deduction too. Rather than persisting qualities as you do in addition,â you will be removing them or obtaining them. For instance, lets utilize 34 - 17. As you did in the principal model, line up the two numbers in a segment, with 34 on 17.Again, time for mental math, starting with the digits during the ones position, 4 and 7. You cannot take away a bigger number from a littler one or youd end up with a negative. So as to maintain a strategic distance from this, we should get an incentive from the tens spot to make the condition work. As it were, youre removing a numerical estimation of 10 from the 3, which has a spot estimation of 30, so as to add it to the 4, giving it an estimation of 14.â 14 - 7 equivalents 7, which will involve the ones spot in our last sum.à Now, move to the tens position. Since we removed 10 from the spot estimation of 30, it presently has a numerical estimation of 20. Take away the spot estimation of 2 from the spot estimation of the other figure, 1, and you get 1. Worked out on a level plane, the last condition resembles this: 34 - 17. This can be a hard idea to get a handle on without visual partners, yet fortunately there are ââ¬â¹many assets for learning base-10 and pulling together in math, including educator exercise plans and understudy worksheets.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social and Psychological Differences in Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay Example for Free
Social and Psychological Differences in Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay In the play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, the focal topic of the play are the social and mental contrasts between the men and the ladies. The male characters has a closed-minded demeanor towards ladies, while the ladies are more understanding and keen than the men as far as attempting to settle the wrongdoing. It is a direct result of the mens perspectives that drove them to bomb in observing reality of Mr. Wrights murder. Their perspectives were glaringly obvious while they were evaluating the wrongdoing scene at the Wright House. As opposed to being target examiners, their negative perspectives towards ladies and their oppressive nature of the other gender made them ignore the circumstance and consequently marked Mrs. Wright as the executioner with no respect for her feelings or perspective at the hour of the homicide. The men were progressively worried about reprimanding Mrs. Wrights absence of appropriate homemaking aptitudes than attempting to discover the explanation for the homicide of Mr. Wright. In line 157, while searching for proof, the area lawyer grumbles in the wake of washing his hands, Dirty towels! A sorry servant, would you say, women?, while kicking the skillet under the sink. His aggravation demonstrated his negative mentality on the grounds that the house was not kept in appropriate measures by Mrs. Wright. His activities implied his convictions that since ladies remained at home as house spouses, while holding no appropriate occupations on the planet, they ought to at any rate keep the house acceptable. He safeguards his assessments to the women in line 163 saying that I realize that there are some Dickson County farmhouses that don't have such roller towels. At the point when Mrs. Sound and Mrs. Diminishes immediately guarded Mrs. Wright, his response was, Ah, faithful to your sex , I see. His belittling hint uncovered his absence of regard for womens cultural jobs and accepts that ladies are mediocre compared to men. The ladies then again, were progressively keen and thoughtful to Mrs. Wrights circumstance. From the earliest starting point, they were the ones that saw the easily overlooked details. The exertion that Mrs. Wright needed to thinking about her home despite the fact that it was not impeccable was not ignored by the ladies. They were more thoughtful than the men since they themselves knew the flight it took to run a family, to which the men ignored. The ladies were the ones that posed inquiries. They knew Mrs. Wright before she had hitched the cold and calm Mr. Wright. They reviewed that Minnie was an enthusiastic individual and was continually singing however later got loner and shut off from the neighbors subsequent to wedding Mr. Wright. They considered whether she had an upbeat and stable marriage, experiencing numerous reasons with respect to what could have driven her to carry out such a wrongdoing. While the men were caught up with exploring upstairs, it was the ladies who found the feathered creature confine just as the dead winged creature in the sewing box. They looked at Mrs. Wright to the winged animal in line 449. She on second thought, she was somewhat similar to a fowl herself genuine sweet and pretty, yet sort of bashful and fluttery. How-she-changed. The ladies put together their discoveries with respect to realities and proof instead of the uninterested mentality of the men. In spite of the fact that the ladies felt for Mrs. Wrights circumstance, they accepted that slaughtering Mr. Wright was still off-base, nonetheless, their compassion and comprehension for Mrs. Wright drove them to disguise the flying creature as proof from the sheriff and the district lawyer. The play obviously indicated a separation in contradicting thoughts and mentalities between both genders. The men were increasingly cruel, basic, unpleasant and narcissistic where as the ladies were progressively natural, mindful and delicate to the circumstance. Their disparities prompted them having differentiating feelings on the realities. The mens decisions on ladies didn't permit them to precisely and unbiasedly evaluate the situation where as the ladies we ready to see things that the men disregard. In any case, however the men couldn't assemble more proof for the case, the ladies were the ones who discovered conceivably the most significant discovering, which was the messed up flying creature confine just as the dead winged animal. Significantly subsequent to finding the fowl, the ladies chose to perpetrate a wrongdoing themselves by concealing the fledgling from the sheriff. Despite the fact that the ladies were increasingly thoughtful they were still off-base for concealing the proof. In this way implying the way that the womens passionate nature debilitated them a similar path as the mens critical demeanor.
The Major Powers of the Second World War
Prior to the Second World War, various world forces, including Britain, France, and the US had achieved their war destinations. This suggests they had arranged genially to confront any foe in the worldwide framework. Prior to the war, Germany had been diminished to a military figure while the remainder of European forces had been debilitated economically.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on The Major Powers of the Second World War explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More at the end of the day, France and Germany had authoritative powers in Europe in light of the fact that their militaries couldn't be coordinated with those of different states in the mainland. In the after war time frame, Britain and France couldn't concur over straightforward issues in light of doubt and doubt. Truth be told, they couldn't control significant issues influencing the mainland, especially security issues. The British and French couldn't accompany a solitary international st rategy that could direct what was to be done in the mainland. Since the two significant forces couldn't concur over issues, they received the approach of settlement, which was exceptionally hazardous to different states. England and France accompanied a goals to mollify Germany to desert its military projects, which were identified with weapons contest. The two forces accepted that assuaging Germany would clear route for arrangements and tranquil resettlement of contentions. European states couldn't pay the US its obligations, which constrained the US to receive independent arrangements. The US chose to keep off from European issues. The arrangement of Versailles could no longer hold on the grounds that numerous nations had been compelled to pay obligations that didn't have a place with them. Germany had been compelled to go into remuneration program, which expressed that the Germany masses needed to repay different countries that had lost their assets during the First World War. Wi th the above variables, the Second World War was inescapable. The First World War veterans felt that their administrations had not regarded them at all. They turned to circling new, radical thoughts, which were extremely perilous to worldwide harmony. For example, one party rule was coursed in Italy, which was later received by Hitler and his Nazi Party. After the First World War, the victors expressed that they would do everything to save harmony on the planet. Germany was one of the failures, which had to receive majority rule government. Rather than embracing majority rule government, states went to totalitarianism, which is contrasted with patriotism. Various states saw that they were being compelled to comply with a portion of the guidelines and guidelines that were conflicting to their way of life and convictions. Germany and Italy are a portion of the countries that depended on dictatorship (patriotism) since they accepted that nations, for example, Britain and France were se cond rate compared to them. Benito Mussolini was the main head to receive fundamentalist philosophies in 1922. In the late 1920s, Hitler joined Mussolini in lecturing prejudice. Hitler guaranteed the Germany masses to make more space for them. In 10930, Germany was hit by a money related emergency, which allowed Hitler and his gathering to present one party rule. He asserted that outsiders destabilized the economy of the nation. Hitler guaranteed Germans that he could everything to accomplish their lost brilliance. He got forceful to a degree of assaulting different states without a legitimate reason.Advertising Looking for paper on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More While a few nations worked together with Germany, some restricted its move unequivocally. Those that restricted its strategic serious outcomes since they were gravely decimated. The nations that opposed Hitlerââ¬â¢s desire were alluded to as the Allies of the Second World War. The Allies chose to oppose Hitlerââ¬â¢s aspirations since they were straightforwardly influenced. Nations that bolstered Hitlerââ¬â¢s desire were alluded to as the Axis. The Axis chose to help Hitler since they were confronted with comparative dangers. As prior noticed, the Versailles Treaty influenced various nations, which ganged up to battle for their privileges. A portion of the Allies of the Second World War incorporate France, the United Kingdom, Austria, Canada, New Zealand the Soviet Union and later the United States. Italy and Japan were the main nations that teamed up with Germany during the Second World War. The associates shared a certain something, which was the domineering force. After the Second World, the Grand Alliance was shaped. The partnership comprised of the United States and the Soviet Union. The US was under Franklin Roosevelt while the Soviet Union was under Joseph Stalin. Winston Churchill controlled Great Britain. After the Second World War, the Grand union had a desire of controlling the issues of the world. Be that as it may, the two significant accomplices contrasted over the best strategy to be applied in the advancement of the economy. The US received private enterprise while the Soviet Union embraced socialism. This distinction prompted a war alluded to as the Cold War. The Cold War was battled in various manners. In any case, it was anything but a genuine war when contrasted with the past wars. The war changed the global framework since it came bipolar. Prior to the Cold War, the worldwide framework was multipolar on the grounds that there were different forces, including Germany, Britain, Japan, Russia, and China. Cold War achieved the new world request since power was dispersed between two states as it were. This article on The Major Powers of the Second World War was composed and put together by client Edward B. to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Diabetes mellitus type II care and management Term Paper
Diabetes mellitus type II care and the board - Term Paper Example Every one of these subtleties are given underneath, understanding which, will give a more clear knowledge about the infection to the patients subsequently expanding their mindfulness about it and furthermore how to successfully deal with this genuine infirmity. Not at all like the individuals who experience the ill effects of type 1 diabetes, who doesn't at produce insulin, individuals with type 2 produce insulin however probably won't make satisfactory insulin or the body can't utilize it all around ok to oversee glucose levels (called as insulin obstruction). At the point when the pancreas doesn't create the necessary degrees of insulin to deal with the glucose, the resultant increment can enter your body cells prompting host of issues. Most definitely, insulin won't have the option to assume its job appropriately on the grounds that the bodyââ¬â¢s cells stay unaffected by it (ââ¬Å"The significance of observing blood-glucose levels,â⬠n. d). Diabetes Type 2 and the resultant high glucose can cause arrangement of afflictions including coronary illness, kidney disappointment, stroke, diabetic retinopathy influencing eyes, poor blood stream to the legs prompting removals in specific cases, others. This presents a grave situation fo r the patients. Simultaneously, in spite of the fact that, there is no lasting remedy for this sort 2 diabetes, it tends to be overseen by eating apropos, working out, and through drugs or insulin treatment. A few patients experiencing type 2 diabetes will be capable accomplish their objective glucose levels through well-suited eating routine administration and powerful exercise alone, notwithstanding, lion's share of the victims will require oral diabetes prescriptions or infusion based insulin treatment. The best reasonable prescription would contrast from patient to quiet since it relies upon the individualsââ¬â¢ glucose level, their reaction to the underlying treatment, other medical issues, etc, with specialists in any event, endorsing a blend of medications from various classes. Toward that path, specialists are recommending a mix of metformin and glyburide to assist body with adapting up to high
Burka Essay Essay Example
Burka Essay Example Burka Essay Burka Essay The Burka: Controversies over ladies all around the globe In present society there is by all accounts an ever increasing number of contentions with Muslim ladies wearing the burka. The burka is a conventional garment utilized by ladies of Islamic religion. This garment is a sort of shroud connected to the head and covers the face and whole body, which the eyes revealed, so ladies can see through it (Cody Daily, 2010). Along these lines, it is realized that the burka has become an image of fear based oppression or a type of separation of ladies in the general public, causing considerably more discussions. In the other hand, this garment eradicates the Muslim womenââ¬â¢s personality and it is an image of confidence and customarily preservationist Afghan culture (Asamblea General Plenaria del Consejo de Estado frances, 2009). So now, albeit numerous nations think about that the utilization of the burka effectsly affects society and ladies, the burka has a beneficial outcome on the off chance that it is viewed as an image of convention and regard for the option to free advancement of character. Above all else, the burka speaks to a significant image of custom in the Afghan culture. The utilization of the burka seen as something customary between the Muslim ladies is described in light of the fact that this utilization speaks to a conduct of social and strict starting points and its disallowance can't be secured by the secularism idea (Motilla, 2009). Secularism idea implies the view that strict contemplations ought to be rejected from common undertakings and a strict suspicion. In spite of this, there are a few European nations that are attempting to disallow the utilization of the burka out in the open spots since they contend that these strict articulations include issues of open request and the security of individuals; so these social minorities must leave their strict personalities to receive the normal convention in different nations (Cody Daily, 2010). Mention that the utilization of cloak ought not be a restriction, however a choice that ladies can uninhibitedly make to guard their religion and their convictions, and it is valid there are leads in each nation yet the administration ought not meddle in the manner by which every individual picks their attire or their convictions. Thus, Muslim ladies can utilize their shroud in different nations while it is utilized without harm to other people and just through the choice to follow their convictions. For instance, nations like France and Belgium have built up that ladies who utilize the burka in broad daylight ought to be captured, in light of the fact that they speak to a threat o society, while the United States have decided to regard the strict convictions (Munoz, 2003). Additionally, the option to free improvement of character is a privilege of every individual of each culture in a nation and it incorporates the manner in which Muslim ladies live. The burka forbiddance would infl uence a few rights and opportunities standards like: singular opportunity, individual freedom, the right to speak freely of discourse and articulation of conclusions, particularly strict; therefore ladies can utilize this garment when they have ascribed an implying that produces wellbeing, having a place and connection with their personality (Motilla, 2009). In the other hand, a few nations contend that the utilization of the burka don't regard the standard of sexual orientation fairness, additionally that its wearing is a component that shows the absence of combination of ladies and it influences their entitlement to way of life as an individual (Cody Daily, 2010). Notwithstanding, as individuals know, each individual has the privilege to the free improvement of character, so ladies will be allowed to utilize their cover at whatever point they need, while they feel good and in that way the can uninhibitedly communicate their choice, character and convictions. For instance, in Spain the state have a social observation that is attempting to show through ââ¬Å"The wild that is the Islam with womenââ¬Å" that there is a contention among innovation and the universe of the Islam; be that as it may, there is a Muslim Womens Network in Spain that tries to regard the privileges of ladies and their own freedom (Red de Mujeres Musulmanas en Espana, 2010). Taking everything into account, custom and the option to free improvement of character speak to enough motivations to don't build up the disallowance of the utilization of cloak in a few nations. The first speaks to the connection and faith in their religion of every single Muslim lady, so they can utilize the burka to communicate unreservedly their strict ways of life as long as there isn't a maltreatment that influences others in the general public. In the subsequent spot, each individual in each culture has de option to free improvement of character, so if ladies need to utilize this cover is on the grounds that they have ascribed an implying that produce in them a sentiment of wellbeing, having a place and personality and they are allowed to do that as long as it doesn't influence others. Thusly, albeit everywhere throughout the world the burka has gotten a subject of contention and conversation, I think it isn't advocated the forbiddance of the utilization of this cover between the Muslim ladies since usually they utilize this garment since they are regarding their convictions and qualities educated by the way of life that gave them a specific personality everywhere throughout the world.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
History of Architecture and Design - 275 Words
History of Architecture and Design (Essay Sample) Content: History of Architecture and Design Name:InstitutionIntroductionThe building of the Pantheon in Rome signifies the emergence of the architectural designs practices in Italy. The design and construction of buildings has always relied on the ability of an architect to graphically visualize and present their ideas using a variety of different media. Architects formulate and refine artistic, spatial and functional concepts through drawings, sketches, and models, whereby they rely on their personal artistic skills and preferences to accomplish this (MacDonald, 2002). The Pantheon construction was invented around 25 BC although the demonstration of innovative architectural advancement is traced from the works of Emperor Hadrian in 127 AD. The advancement in arts and architecture of the Pantheon helped to revolutionize the world of architecture in the years that followed (DuTemple, 2003). The architectural works in the Pantheon also liberated architecture f rom the technological and aesthetic constraints imposed by Gothic traditions. The Pantheon is a distinguished invention of linear perspective that officiated a new architectural representation method in a three-dimensional space. This innovation opened up new venues for artistic and architectural expression. However, the need for architectural revolution was not the main reason behind the planning and construction of the Pantheon. The design resulting to the building of the Pantheon was to symbolize the universe of earth and the gods. Opulent cathedrals such as the Pantheon were built for god(s), while buildings and monuments were largely built in lieu of the emperors. The Pantheon is an example of Roman opulent cathedral built for the roman pagan gods (MacDonald, 2002). The dreams of the Roman emperors to bring the entire world under Roman rule by demonstration of their financial and political powers through such buildings is the other motivation behind the construction of the bui lding. The Pantheon InnovationThe Pantheon is a complex structure that was initially constructed in 25 BC by Marcus Agrippa in about 125 AD. Domitian then rebuilt the building but it was then burned down destroyed again in 110 AD. Emperor Hadrian then begun to rebuild it again in 127AD. Hadrian altered the building drastically by adding a colossus dome which makes the building a supreme architectural achievement of Hadrian in Rome. However, the works of all these Emperors who were involved in the reconstruction of Pantheon are not attributed the most architectural credit as that credited to Agrippa. Agrippa was involved in the inscription of the building on the architrave (DuTemple, 2003). The structure is still today uncontested and one of the most conserved buildings of the Imperial Rome. Style and Architectural FormThere are several amazing features that showcase the innovation about the building. Looking first at style and architectural form of the Pantheon, feature domed roof s and drum-like supporting walls as illustrated in the image below. The Pantheon has three rows of pillars that support the triangular pediment of the building. These pillars are eight across the front and four pillars in two rows behind (DuTemple, 2003). The Pantheon is also characterized of a triangular pediment with Roman inscriptions that sits on 16 gigantic Corinthian columns. The columns are 5 feet wide, 40 feet tall, and over 80 tons each. These columns were carved from a single granite piece and shipped from Egypt to Italy. The Pantheon drum is also free from adornment. The Interior DesignThe Roman Pantheon constructed as a temple to the Romanian pagan gods, such as Diana (goddess of the Moon) and Apollo (God of the Sun) is associated to the interior design of the building (Castex, 2008). The dome features of the building consist of the oculus which is an opening at the apex of the building. The innovative aspect of this is that the dome is open to the elements while the building itself is solid and not opens to the elements. During the storms, the rain that falls through the oculus is fetched and a drained below the floor handles. The dome also features the coffers which are the sunken panels of 5 rings of 28. The coffers are evenly aligned in spread out layout which must have difficult to achieve and thus innovative applications that is presumed to symbolize geometric, numerical or lunar (MacDonald, 2002).The unifying theme of the interior design of the Pantheon is represented by the circles and squares form of the building. The checkerboard floor pattern is different from the concentric circles design of the square coffers located in the dome. Each section of the interior, starting from the floor all the way to the ceiling is subdivided into different scheme. This makes the interior decorative zones to unstreak. The overall effect of the Pantheon is direct viewer orientation from the major the buildings axis (DuTemple, 2003).The weaknessThe weakness in the Pantheon is firm in its cylindrical space which is covered by a hemispherical dome. This cylindrical space is inherently ambiguous a discordance that was not apprecia...
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Donââ¬â¢t Miss Your Med School Application Booster!
Thereââ¬â¢s still time to register for Get Accepted to Medical School in 2020, our strategic overview of the medical school application process! With med school admissions as competitive as they are, why would you risk applying without a strong understanding of the process? Weââ¬â¢ve drawn on years of med admissions expertise from our very own Alicia McNease Nimonkar to bring you this important webinar. Donââ¬â¢t miss out ââ¬â reserve your spot today! Register Now: hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "58291", formId: "23586b84-b6f1-43ed-a39e-e4c2f166b930" }); For 25 years, Accepted has helped applicants gain acceptance to their dream healthcare programs. Our outstanding team of admissions consultants features former admissions directors, admissions committee members, pre-health advisors, postbac program directors, and doctors. Our staff has guided applicants to acceptance at allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical schools, residencies and fellowships, dental school, veterinarian school, and physician assistant programs at top schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Penn, UCSF, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, and many more.à Want an admissions expertà to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!
Monday, May 18, 2020
Disobedience in Children Essay - 1727 Words
ââ¬Å"How can you learn lessons in here? Why, thereââ¬â¢s hardly room for you, and no room at all for any lesson-books!â⬠(Carroll, 1993 p21). Piaget (1896ââ¬â1980) came up with a theory called cognitive development, which occurs in four stages in every childs emotional development. The first two stages are from birth until the child reaches his or her seventh year of life where they will become aware of its environment by visual, touching and sound. During the third stage and fourth stage, the concrete and formal operations, the child will typically ask questions to understand the complexions of things surrounding the child and to satisfy their curiosity and exploring mind. Children at these stages usually step out of their comfort zones and try newâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦One of major lectures from parents is respect. Inside the autobiography of Uhlberg (2008), there were a lot of stories where Myron showed disrespect towards his parents, especially during his p reteen years, which is during the fourth stage. One of the parts where he displayed disrespect towards his parents was at a parent and teacher night when Myronââ¬â¢s parents got the opportunity to meet with his teacher. Since his parents were deaf, they used Myron as an interpreter. One of the words of wisdom that children often hear from their parents is to do what they are told. When the teacher started to explain that Myron had the worst discipline problem in the class, Myron decided to interpret differently and told his parents that he was the best student in the class. He unintentionally disobeyed one of the words of wisdom even though he was trying to cover up so that his parents could be proud of their son. Another disrespect towards parents is showed in the movie, Panââ¬â¢s Labyrinth, a young girl, Ofelia disobeyed her mother and the general when she did not show up to the formal dinner that they had (Del Toro, 2006). Parents often lecture children not to wander off on their own, yet Ofelia disobeys by wandering off on her own. She did that because she did not want to be where she was. She was forced to leave her home to move in with the General, because of her motherââ¬â¢s decision. She felt that she was keeping herself busy by exploring the new environment but inShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Case : Civil Disobedience1328 Words à |à 6 PagesAffirmative Case: Civil Disobedience Mahatma Gandhi once stated, ââ¬Å"Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good.â⬠Because I agree I must affirm the resolution that reads, ââ¬Å"Resolved: Civil disobedience in a democracy is morally justified.â⬠Affirming achieves the value of ââ¬Ëmorality,ââ¬â¢ defined from Websterââ¬â¢s Revised Unabridged Dictionary as,â⬠The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conductâ⬠My value criterion is a legitimate government for all. 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Henry Thoreau had strong political views in regards to slavery and the Mexican-American War. He once wrote, ââ¬Å"The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think rightâ⬠. Civil Disobedience inspired many leaders to protest movements in their own homes. This idea of aRead MoreObedience, Disobedience, And Disobedience1687 Words à |à 7 PagesObedience and Disobedience in People in Relation to ââ¬Å"Holesâ⬠People choose how they react to authority based on several things. These include; how they were raised, how much respect they have for the authoritative power, and how that authority has treated someone. This is shown in the novel ââ¬Å"Holesâ⬠by Louis Sachar because the main character, Stanley, is sent to a child correction camp and has to obey the upper authority Mr. Sir. He starts out being an obedient child and following all Mr. Sirââ¬â¢s rules
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Effect Of Ginger On The Brain Of Diabetes Induced Diabetic...
RESEARCH ARTICLE Neuroprotective effect of ginger in the brain of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Gehan El-AkabawyâËâ", Wael El-Kholy Menoufia University, Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia, Egypt a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 3 August 2013 Received in revised form 17 January 2014 Accepted 31 January 2014 Keywords: Ginger Diabetes Brain Histology Immunohistochemistry s u m m a r y Diabetes mellitus results in neuronal damage caused by increased intracellular glucose leading to oxidative stress. Recent evidence revealed the potential of ginger for reducing diabetes-induced oxidative stress markers. The aim of this study is to investigate, for the first time, whether the antioxidant properties of ginger has beneficial effects on the structural brain damage associated with diabetes. We investigated the observable neurodegenerative changes in the frontal cortex, dentate gyrus, and cerebellum after 4, 6, and 8 weeks of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in rats and the effect(s) of ginger (500 mg/kg/day). Sections of frontal cortex, dentate gyrus, and cerebellum were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined using light microscopy. In addition, quantitative immunohistochemical assessments of the expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, caspase-3, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and Ki67 were performed. Our results revealed a protective role ofShow MoreRelatedNatural Dyes11205 Words à |à 45 PagespH gt; 11. The highest concentrations of cyanidin are found in the skin of the fruit. [edit] Effects on the human body Cyanidin, like other anthocyanidins, has putative antioxidant and radical-scavenging effects which may protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. One theory is that dietary intake of cyanidins may inhibit development of obesity and diabetes as well as contain inflammatory mechanisms.[2] Other studies have generally shown that the glucoside
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Stress On Mental Health - 1568 Words
A substantial amount of Canadians experience stress in their lives. In fact, nearly one-quarter of the population over the age of 15 are stressed on a daily basis (Statistics Canada, 2013). Stress can be defined as a mental and emotional state of tension, in which one perceives the environment around them to be strenuous and overwhelming. Although some stress is necessary for survival, it can adversely affect both the physical and mental health. Its detrimental effects include but are not limited to: lack of confidence, concentration, motivation, decision making and increased heartrate, sweating, tension, as well as other physical and psychological problems such as headaches and insomnia (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2015). These health complications strongly emphasize the need for further research in ways to cope with, and reduce stress. Henceforth, the purpose of this paper is to use established research to better understand stress, then propose my own study that would inves tigate another stress-reduction method. An article by Choi, Vickers, and Tassone (2014) discusses three constructs related to stress; trait emotional intelligence (TEI), anxiety sensitivity (AS) and experiential avoidance (EA). These three constructs have had recent attention in the field of psychology, and are being further investigated to determine the significance on stress. In my opinion, TEI is the construct that is most prominent in stress reactivity. TEI is described as a specificShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Stress On Health And Mental Health Essay1619 Words à |à 7 PagesOvercoming Stress Have you seen a mental health expert about a mental health disorder, or were you diagnosed for such a condition? Most people will answer no even if they had a mental or emotional health issue in the past. Heath includes physical health and mental health, itââ¬â¢s not just physical. A lot of people hate to admit that they have mental disorder, and they might even refuse to seek a professional health care. Itââ¬â¢s really important for people to take care of any emotional or mental issue thatRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Mental Health1550 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction: Stress is defined by the National Institute of Mental Health as the brain s answer to any demand. Many things can set off this reaction, including change. For most people, temporary levels of stress drop soon after the stimulus has passed. For others, the symptoms of anxiety continue well after the distressing circumstance is over (National Institute of Mental Health). Stress can lead to memory retention problems, and memory recall problems, in turn impacting ones work, social interactionsRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Mental Health Essay1970 Words à |à 8 PagesIt is known that humans are naturally going to have stress in their lives. Stress is caused by various events such as death of a spouse, paying bills and changes in common daily functions. Different individuals interpret these events differently. Recent research has shown that each person is different with how they cope throughout stressful situations (Pastorino Doyle-Portillo, 2016). The different situations of stress can cause mental health issues such as depression, extreme exhaustion and anxietyRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Our Mental And Physical Health926 Words à |à 4 Pageswe learned in class, stress is any force that changes the bodyââ¬â¢s natural state, known as homeostasis. Stress does not always have to be viewed as a bad thing. For example, stress can motivate someone to study for an exam or plan ahead in his or her agenda to stay organized. Its only when stress manifest out of control and is not addressed properly that it can have very negative effects on both our mental and physical health. Reflecting on the document we watched in class, Stress: Portrait of a KillerRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Mental And Physical Health Of A Person1129 Words à |à 5 PagesStress impacts the mental and physical health of a person in many ways. Prolonged or frequent exposure to stress can be detrimental to a person s health. It is important to get counseling for stress management befor e it becomes chronic or life threatening. Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is study of the ways the immune and nervous systems interact with each other and impact mental and emotional health. PNI research suggests that chronic stress can cause mood disorders such as depression and anxietyRead MoreThe Effect Of Stress On Mental And Physical Health1584 Words à |à 7 PagesIn order to develop techniques to manage stress, you must first understand what contributes to stress. Stress is the bodyââ¬â¢s reaction to your environment that impacts the balance of your physical or mental being. Stress is the same for the body whether considered positive or negative. It elicits the same body responses for emotion and motivation whether it is from competitive sports or a near miss on the freeway. Emotion and motivation are the two fundamental components of affect. They guideRead MoreThe Effects Of Minority Stress On Mental Health Within The Transgender Community Essay1340 Words à |à 6 Pagesto prove how minority stress correlates with mental health within the transgender community. As defined by Meriam-Webster Dictionary, transgender ââ¬Å"is relating to, or being a person who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person s sex at birthâ⬠(Merriam-Webster, 2016). For example, male to female, or female to male. However, researchers in this study used the minority stress model, which suggested that the stress associated with stigmaRead MoreMental Health And Its Effects On Individual s Stress Level, Anxiety Levels, And Self Esteem Level1310 Words à |à 6 PagesMany people in society experience some form of mental health issue in various aspects of their life at some point or another. In social settings or at home, a person can feel stressed, anxious, or even have issues with their self-esteem. In fact, ââ¬Å"One in five Americanââ¬â¢s experienced some form of mental health issue in 2014â⬠(Mental Health, n.d., p. 1). There are many way s to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as increase self-esteem in oneââ¬â¢s life. For the purpose of this study, exercise is used asRead MoreMindfulness Meditation On The Classroom Essay962 Words à |à 4 Pageschildren diagnosed with a mental disorder is alarming. According to Merikangas et al. (2010), 22.2% of American children and adolescents get diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder that is severe enough to impair their ability to attend school and learn (Bucci, Marques, Oh, Harris, 2016). Kids that are plagued by various psychological illnesses may experience a difficult time concentrating and staying focused in school. Additionally, the over-accumulation of toxic stress, either due to the pressuresRead MoreThere Is Currently A Critical Global Shortage Of Nurses1222 Words à |à 5 Pagesfor work related stress particularly in specialty areas such as mental health nursing. Psychiatric nurses are frequent victims of burn out and workplace violence because of the nature of patients they serve, the demands of the institution, and the shortage of trained staff. According to Qi et al. (2014), ââ¬Å"Nurses working in mental health hospitals have been found to suffer from higher levels of work-related stress, as they are frequently exposed to violent behavior by mental health patients compared
The Rise Of Social Media - 1261 Words
The Rise of Social Media and Changes in Human Communication Over the past decade the use of social media has become a routine part of everyday life for people all over the world. These various forms of media, which include social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, media sharing sites such as Instagram and blogs have provided a new venue where people can express their opinions, ideas and experiences. Consequently, new phenomena and issues have arisen out of their increased use. The popularization of social media has dramatically changed the ways we can communicate, interact and socialize with one another. More specifically, its existence has affected how we communicate and with whom we communicate our opinions, ideas and experience. The significant role that social media has begun to play in peoples lives warrants investigation into its influences and impacts on our outward social behavior. As a result sociologists have begun to investigate how these various social platforms may contribute to patterns of human behavior by focusing on social interactions between people online. One thing sociological researchers have begun to consider is how social perceptions of a particular topic impact their social behavior and social media use. Facebook has become a platform in which people can convey their experiences, feelings towards specific social events and opinions on stigmatizing or controversial topics. However, how people choose to do so may depend on the environmentShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of Social Media1248 Words à |à 5 Pagesand getting the customer service culture right can make or break a business. The rise of social media There are around 7.2 billion people on the planet and nearly 3 billion are active on the Internet. From this vast audience, around 2.1 billion users are on social media and nearly 1.7 billion of them are active on these platforms. Furthermore, the most recent survey by Pew Research showed that over half of social media users are now using multiple platforms and older generations are quickly increasingRead MoreThe Rise Of Social Media1845 Words à |à 8 PagesThe rise of social media creates powerful new opportunities to communicate with colleagues, distributors, customers and the world. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and others are the emerging core of digital reputations both for Red Lion and its employees. Because social media can blend personal and professional lives, itââ¬â¢s important to exercise caution in using social media both at work and outside work. While new social media platforms are emerging and old platformsRead MoreThe Rise Of Social Media And Apps1659 Words à |à 7 PagesThe rise of Social Media and apps have promised to connect people together, to unite the public in an intricate community of billions of individuals, sharing their experiences through Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and more. However, the creators left a valid point out of their presentation. Social Media, though easily accessible and quick to latch onto, is seamlessly taking away normal ââ¬Å"socialâ⬠interactions. Social Media is not social because there is no physical relationship, there isRead MoreThe Rise Of The Internet And Social Media974 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe heart of marketing, the core function is to create and deliver value to the consumer. The rise of the internet has seen the rise of the global consumer. Meaning businesses are not restricted by geographical location, increasing the speed and amount of potential customers wi thin markets, presenting both a challenge and an opportunity for marketers. However since the rise of the internet and social media, Poiesz and van Raaij (2007) state that in increasingly crowded markets, and increasingly sophisticatedRead MoreThe Rise Of Internet And Social Media911 Words à |à 4 PagesMain body The twenty first century has seen a huge rise in the power and use of digital communication compared to previous decades; we undoubtedly now live in a digital world, but at what cost? What if any are the implications of this fast paced and ever changing technology on society as a whole? Itââ¬â¢s hard for people today to imagine a world without email or mobile phones, or Facebook and Twitter, or to imagine the days when to speak to someone meant having to write a letter or send a telegram. WeRead MoreMarketing and the Internet: The Rise of Social Media534 Words à |à 2 PagesMarketing and the Internet The Rise of Social Media Introduction Social media in its many forms, from user-generated content to the more complex and intricate social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and others, all present marketers with a wealth of opportunities for connecting more effectively with their customers. And these social media platforms also allow for greater reach and clarity of messaging to prospects as well. Whats behind his revolution in how social networks are changing marketingRead MoreSocial Media Experience : The Rise Of Facebook2729 Words à |à 11 Pages Social Media Experience: The Rise of Facebook Research Report CCT208: Writing and Research Methods in Communication Tiffany Wong 1000691593 Professor Divya Maharajh April 8th, 2015 Abstract In this project, quantitative research was conducted to provide students and adults in our community data on how the frequent use of posting or viewing Facebook correlate to oneââ¬â¢s emotions of narcissism or loneliness. The study was conducted to understand the motivationsRead MoreThe Rise Of Social Media And Its Impact On The Feminism Movement Essay1542 Words à |à 7 Pages Media Research Literature Review The rise of Social Media and its impact on the Feminism Movement Abstract: The new media Internet, social media platforms, has been an increasingly popular tool for feminists to promote the feminism movement. With the broad reach of the internet and social media, this has led to a wider awareness of the feminist movement. The broad reach of the internet and social media however has also open the female gender to various levels of objectificationRead MoreThe Rise of Social Media and Its Impact on Mainstream Journalism21031 Words à |à 85 PagesWORKING PAPER e rise of social media and its impact on mainstream journalism: A study of how newspapers and broadcasters in the UK and US are responding to a wave of participatory social media, and a historic shi in control towards individual consumers. Nic Newman September 2009 Contents Executive summary and key conclusions 1. Framing the debate 2. Mainstream media motivations, doubts and dilemmas 2.1 Definitions and motivations 2.2 BBC 2.3 Guardian and Telegraph 2.4 New York TimesRead MoreHow Has The Rise Of Social Media Changed The Public Sphere?3148 Words à |à 13 PagesApril 2015 Essay Question: How has the rise of social media changed the public sphere? The Internet has been changing the world since it is created. As a part of new media, social media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. It has been helped to create a digital global village that 26% of the worldââ¬â¢s population is using social media and the number is keep increasing. (Qualman, 2013) This essay will attempt to discuss how has the social media changed the public sphere, mainly focus on
Finding Courage Essay Example For Students
Finding Courage Essay I knew I would need a lot of courage to get through the day. I woke to the sound of someone gently knocking on my bedroom door. It was my dad, he looked very pale and his eyes were red raw, as if he had been crying. He came in and sat at the end of my bed, he looked sorrowfully at me and said ââ¬Å"Raymond passed away this morning. â⬠I sat there, still, not sure what my reaction to this news was. Raymond was my uncle, brother of my mom, he was fifty two and he had lung cancer. I had seen him the day before, myself and my cousin Orla from America on my dadââ¬â¢s side had gone shopping in Eyre Square with my mom. We were on the way home and had decided to stop by at her brotherââ¬â¢s house to see how he was. It had been the first time in so many months that I had seen him. I greeted his wife Una, who was busy distracting herself with cleaning. I walked into the living room, which instead of the usual leather couch, held a hospital bed, and he lay there. He was but barely able to breathe by himself. He was white, like the colour of the walls; his hands were laid by his side. His head shaven as he didnââ¬â¢t like to watch it fall out. His seven teen year old daughter sat beside him. She looked just like him. My mom seemed at peace with the situation, she has been trying to accept his fate ever since he was diagnosed three years ago. We silently left as more arrived and that night I went home as my uncle drew his last few breaths. So that morning I up, at first I moved in a type of monotone style. My granny who was eighty eight and my dadââ¬â¢s mom, walked down to ours for breakfast. She had already heard. My father told her. After breakfast I walked her home and left my younger brother Dara, with my older brother Paul, as my mother had left that morning to call the time of death. On the way back to my house I met my cousins, Orla and Roisin who paid their respects. They invited me along with them to a day out that was unplanned and adventurous. We travelled in my Auntie Deloresââ¬â¢s car, my dadââ¬â¢s sister. We drove to Kinvara and I sat on the stony beach wrapped in a blanket and chatted with Orla as the others walked and collected seashells. When they returned we decided to go for some food, we strolled about until we came to a place called Murphyââ¬â¢s thereââ¬â¢s one in every town. Orla and Roisin and I found a table while my Auntie looked in the next door shop. My younger cousin Rosin, who was nine, looked up at me and asked what he was like. And at this moment realization hit me. Through the whole day I was in denial. It was only until this little girl asked me to tell her about someone she never even heard of until this morning. And I cried. The waitress came over and offered me a tissue and directed me towards the bathroom. I stayed there for twenty minutes and just cried, and when I stopped I felt lighter, Freer and this is said by every on, but as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. And I sat there in the stall and I said a prayer to Raymond to thank him for all he had done. From the time he first met me, to the time he accidentally dropped plaster on my head when I was five and had to shave the top of my head after it, to that finale day that he lay peaceful in the hospital bed.
Sequence Number for the Randomization â⬠Free samples for Students
Question: Discuss About the Sequence Number for the Randomization? Answer: Introducation Iptables are considered to an application that has the user space, which allows and enables any administrator of a system for configuring the table that is provided by the Linux kernel Firewall and the chains for ruling what it stores (Diekmann et al. 2016). It requires the privileges for elevating the operations and needed the execution by the root of the user that sometimes fails in proper functioning. The successor of Iptables is nftables which got merged with the linux kernel mainline in the kernel version 3.13. The advantages of Iptables are- It is considered to the useful thing as it also helps in preventing the most hijacking of TCP for the masqueraded clients who are non-IP who suffers from the poor TCP sequence number for the randomization, for example Windows, UNIXes. Mac addresses are being matched with the packets, which allows a rejection and detection of the interlopes that always had to try for the injecting the packets or for scanning the system. Iptables have a potential for the redirecting the packets for generalization of DNAT feature. TCP connectors are being initiated by the incoming packets for the particular organizations. The disadvantages of Iptables can be considered during the logging, it had to follows two broad rules, the initial and the LOG needs to match and DROP. It does not follow the rule for the numbers that cause the logging in between the tables. The packets, that is being allowed for the route does not avail INPUT or OUTPUT, but from the NAT and FORWARD chains (Xu and Su 2013). Games like Unreal Tournament, Quake are not being supported in the case of Iptables. The command for asking, of the packet for any particular protocol, IP destination and the source are not available in the case of Iptables. For overcoming of the disadvantages of Iptables, It need for the amendment in the field for the packet that only dealt with the NAT and FORWARD, it needed for the permission for accessing the routes. Along with these, protocols for the IP destination, sources were unavailable in the case for the Iptables which needed for the initiation. A SOCKS server is a general us age proxy server which helps in utilizing in establishing a TCP connection to the other server as an alternative of a particular client which helps in routing all the traffics simultaneously back and forth in between the client and the server provided. It performs in the place of any sort of protocol of the network (Pannu et al. 2016). Version 5 of SOCKS provides extra support for the UDP and for the securities. Circuits relay firewall is a sort of security firewall (intermediary server) that gives a controlled system in association, amongst the Internal and the External frameworks. A virtual "circuit" is present in between the client of the internal and the proxy server. Web allows for the experience this circuit to the proxy server, and it then conveys those solicitations to the Internet subsequent for changing the IP (Internet Protocol) address. External clients just visualize the IP address of the proxy server. The responses are being received by the proxy servers that are being send back to the clients (Hesmans and Bonaventure 2016). If there is any allowance in the traffic the external system need not have to check the internal ones. This type of connectivity is used for connecting the internal users (the trusted ones) to the Internet. Reference list: Diekmann, C., Michaelis, J., Haslbeck, M. and Carle, G., 2016, May. Verified iptables firewall analysis. InIFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2016(pp. 252-260). IEEE. Hesmans, B. and Bonaventure, O., 2016, July. An enhanced socket API for Multipath TCP. InProceedings of the 2016 Applied Networking Research Workshop(pp. 1-6). ACM. Pannu, M., Gill, B., Bird, R., Yang, K. and Farrel, B., 2016, June. Exploring proxy detection methodology. InCybercrime and Computer Forensic (ICCCF), IEEE International Conference on(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Xu, J. and Su, W., 2013. Performance Evaluations of Cisco ASA and Linux IPTables Firewall Solutions.
Monday, April 20, 2020
My interpretations of the Wizard of Oz Essay Example
My interpretations of the Wizard of Oz Paper The Wizard of Oz is a popular Childrens Literature in the world. After reading various of interpretation theories in internet. For example, Parable on Populism of Littlefield, Henry , Analogy between the Yellow Brick Road and the Information Superhighway of Gandy, Oscar , The Wizard of Oz as a Secular Myth of Nathanson, Paul and Salman Rushdies Theories of Oz and so on. Actually, there are huge difference thoughts between these scholars, most of them are more than ostensible story beyond The wizard of Oz itself. Take for example, Rushdie rejects the conventional view that its fantasy of escape from reality ends with a comforting return to home, sweet home. On the contrary, Rushdie think it is a film which speaks to the exile. The Wizard of Oz shows that imagination can become reality, that there is no such place as home, or rather that the only home is the one we make for ourselves. Being a grown-ups of both non-native speakers of English and non-western culture, I hold the different view on the story itself. Backing from my first impression of knowing the Wizard of Oz is when I was 10 years old elementary kid. The most attracting part is the interesting characters scarecrow, tin-man and cowardly lion but except for Dorothy-the little girl. In my view, I think the story it self has a clear explanation of finding ourselves. All of characters are looking for something that they thought they dont have. However , is that true? I , as be a Taiwanese, has influenced by American culture little by little since I was a kid. We watch American TV programs , American movies and American value all the time. However, the most unforgettable culture shock for me is Searching for our identity. I still remember there was a time that some typical characters in American soaper. They sometimes get themselves do nothing but thinking, wearing different clothes or fooling around. Those characters seem to be young man mostly. They always answer like I am looking for myself if people ask them. We will write a custom essay sample on My interpretations of the Wizard of Oz specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My interpretations of the Wizard of Oz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My interpretations of the Wizard of Oz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Comparing with western culture to Chinese culture, our education doesnt courage young man to think independently. We tend to follow what our seniors thoughts. In other words, we seldom think about what do we lack in ourselves not mention about the identity of ourselves. According to my personally observation, lots U.S students or European students ,they would like to spend some time which is probably years to travel or work after compulsory education. They make themselves stop moving forward to next step in their life for a while. After getting to know themselves better, they will devote themselves to their further education or work again. Obviously, people who grow up in Chinese cultures seems dont do so. Before getting to know ourselves better, we tend to rush to next step. And the worse thing is that we follow the others view when we encounter with choice. Other parts such as the viewpoint of family value itself in the story which also stands for typical American value. Dorothy is a little girl with full of curiosity and eager to find a way to resolve her problem in reality which could represent for American characters in some respects. By meeting other three main characters, they also stand for some kind of symbols of finding their identity as well. Through consistent will of finding a way to go home in the story, The story then highlights the family values of American culture. On the other hand, it took me spend decade to understand that tin man is used to be a real man and the real reason that he become to be a tin man is because of some accidence. I used to think that tin-man is a robot. I even ever ask other classmates view on tin man in class while our teacher- River was teaching the literature. To my surprised is other classmates also hold the same view as I have before reading the novel. What a coincidence. After all, as far as I am concerned, reading childrens literature is a totally fresh experience because what Ive learned from the story is not only the difference values between western culture and Chinese culture but also the similarity on values which might be an universal tendency of finding out the goal of life. We maybe all lack something, thats why we are here for experiencing this life.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Sample Essay on Language - Do You Have a Topic That You Would Like to Write About?
Sample Essay on Language - Do You Have a Topic That You Would Like to Write About?When it comes to writing sample essays, you will need to choose the topic. There are many topics that you can choose from in your work life. You can write about the benefits of learning Spanish, or the meaning of life, or the value of education. You can even talk about the change that you have seen in yourself by speaking Spanish.For a high school student, there is a study of Spanish in American Sign Language (ASL). This is commonly called 'Spanish Immersion' and it is an interesting topic that is important to choose. It is not just for school anymore. Many parents have this idea that it is only for students attending high school. You can get some great writing samples with this topic.The next sample essay topic that you can choose is something more personal. The benefits of learning Spanish are very exciting. There are a lot of benefits, and they may include things like looking more handsome. Even if y ou never want to learn the language, this topic has benefits that are very gratifying. This is a topic that you can talk about with anyone. You will have to consider how you will teach this topic, so make sure you write it down on paper.Your writing sample on language is a great way to see what you like and what you do not like. This is a great topic for you to write about because it will be educational, fun, and creative. You will find that you are more likely to keep writing because you enjoy writing it.The writing sample on language can also be fun for you. Writing about something as simple as language is always great for any kind of creative writer. You may even make up a few of your own verbs and nouns.When you are choosing a topic for your writing sample, be sure that you know the rules for grammar and syntax. You will need to know what grammar and language works for you, and what would work for your audience. This is something that you will need to learn about yourself.These are some of the topics that you can choose when you are choosing a writing sample on language. You can be creative and write about anything you want. You will need to write for your audience, so make sure that you write about what they need to hear.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
AP Chemistry FRQ How to Ace the Free Response Questions
AP Chemistry FRQ How to Ace the Free Response Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Practicing free-response questions is one of the best things you can do to improve your AP Chemistry score. Not only will you excel on the free-response section, but you'll also know the material so well that the multiple-choice questions will be a piece of cake. In this article I'll tell you all about the free-response section of the exam, give you some tips on how to solve AP Chemistry FRQs, and go through a couple of sample problems from recent exams so you can get a feel for what they're like! Whatââ¬â¢s the Format of the AP Chemistry Free-Response Section? The free-response section of the AP Chemistry exam seems intimidating because itââ¬â¢s longer than free-response sections on most other AP tests, and it includes lots of calculations and experiments that you have to interpret.The most important thing you can do is remain calm and stay focused and methodical in your approach to each question.Itââ¬â¢s not as scary or difficult as it looks if youââ¬â¢ve prepared well for the test and use your common sense! Here's an overview of the format of the free-response section: 105 minutes (1 hour 45 minutes) Calculator use permitted Seven questions total Three long response worth 10 points each Four short response worth 4 points each The long response questions always come first! Youââ¬â¢ll be tested on the following skills (which may be tied to any topic in the AP Chemistry curriculum): Experimental design Analyzing real lab data to identify patterns and explain phenomena Creating or analyzing diagrams of molecules and atoms to explain observations Translating between different representations of data Following logical steps to analyze and solve problems OK, that all makes sense, but how exactly do you solve these long, complicated questions? In the next section,Iââ¬â¢ll go through a step-by-step guide for how to approach the AP Chemistry FRQs. How to Solve AP Chemistry Free-Response Questions It's important to have a game plan for the free-response section. My first piece of advice is not to feel obligated to do the questions in order!Take a couple of minutes (no more than 5-10) at the beginning of the section to look through everything and decide which question you want to tackle first.Itââ¬â¢s best to start with your strengths so you'll have more time at the end for challenging questions. You should spend a maximum of 20 minutes on each long free-response question and 10 minutes on each short free-response question.Keep an eye on the time so it doesnââ¬â¢t get away from you! Here are some basic steps you should take to solve free-response questions: Step 1: Figure Out What You Know First, assess the information the question gives you.It can be confusing to extract the data thatââ¬â¢s embedded in the introduction over and over again as you go through different parts of the question.Make things easier for yourself by writing down the values youââ¬â¢re given next to the question so that theyââ¬â¢re easily accessible when you need them.You should also take time to understand (at least on a general level) the experiment being described so that you donââ¬â¢t feel confused and overwhelmed when you start reading the question. Step 2: Dive Into the Question For each part of the question, read the instructions and ask yourself the following: Do you need to do any calculations? Decide which equations youââ¬â¢ll need (if applicable), and write them down.Do the necessary calculations based on the numbers you extracted in the previous step and any numbers you were given in this part of the question.Make sure you show your work! Donââ¬â¢t erase your calculations, and double-check everything to make sure you have the correct units and your answer makes sense logically. Does the question ask you to justify or explain your answer? If so, DONââ¬â¢T ignore these instructions.In many cases, youââ¬â¢ll only get points for your answer if you can explain it adequately.Use concrete evidence to back up your response (weââ¬â¢re talking hard data).Even if something seems obvious to you, spell it out as clearly as possible to ensure that you earn those points! Do you have to draw a diagram? Even though neither of the free-response questions I'll go over in the next section requiresthis, some questions will ask you to draw diagrams.For example: If you have to answer a question like this, try to be as clear as possible.Draw out your answer on scrap paper first if you feel unsure so that the final product is neat and unambiguous.Hereââ¬â¢s the answer, by the way: Step 3: Double Check Look back at the question to make sure you didnââ¬â¢t miss anything or leave out any explanations.Reread each part and connect it directly to its corollary in your response so youââ¬â¢re scooping up all the points you possibly can!You should also walk through how you found each answer to make sure you didnââ¬â¢t make any weird errors you missed the first time around. Finally, check again for appropriate units. Errors in unit conversion are common silly mistakes that are really, really frustrating if you knew how to do the problem correctly otherwise. Did you remember to convert milliliters to liters? AP Chemistry FRQExamples Iââ¬â¢ll go through the solution process for a sample question of each type so you can get a better idea of what the test will be like.Notice that these questions look complex and overwhelming at first, but if you stay calm and break them down methodically, they donââ¬â¢t end up being that bad! Long Free-Response Sample Question Hereââ¬â¢s a sample long free-response question from the 2014 exam: Thereââ¬â¢s a ton of information here, so letââ¬â¢s start from the beginning.What we know from the short intro is that the pH of a 0.20 M 50 mL sample of propanoic acid is 2.79 at 25 degrees Celsius.There's alsoan equation that shows how the acid reacts with water and which products are created by this reaction. Now we're ready to tackle part (a): Whereââ¬â¢s the conjugate acid-base pair in the equation?There are two pairs that you could potentially list for this answer: CH3CH2COOH (acid) and CH3CH2COO- (base) OR H30+ (acid) and H20 (base) We know that the first compound is propanoic acid, and the loss of the hydrogen atom through the reaction creates the basic compound on the right side of the equation.Conversely, the water in the first half of the equation is a base that becomes an acid when it picks up the hydrogen atom from the propanoic acid. To get this point, you would need to label each compound indicating which is the acid and which is the base. Always read instructions carefully, or you may lose out on points - I can't say this enough! Letââ¬â¢s move onto part (b): Whatââ¬â¢s the value of Ka for propanoic acid at the temperature indicated in the question?We just need to plug some values into the equation for Ka,which is given to you on the formula sheet for the test: Hmm, looks like we canââ¬â¢t plug in the values yet because we donââ¬â¢t know the molarity of the H30+, which would have to go in the [H+] spot in the equation.We can find that value using this other equation from the formula sheet: This means: -pH = log[H+]10-pH = [H+]10-2.79 = [H30+]1.6 x 10-3 M = [H30+] This value for the molarity of H30+is equal to the molarity of CH3CH2COO-. The same amount of each must be created by the equation because the hydrogen atoms are removed and added in a 1:1 ratio.Armed with this new information, we can go back to the Ka equation: Let's plug in our values: Ka = [H30+][CH3CH2COO-] / [CH3CH2COOH]Ka = (1.6 x 10-3 M)(1.6 x 10-3 M)/ 0.2 MKa = (1.6 x 10-3 M)2/0.2 MKa = 1.3 x 10-5 For part (b), you could earn three points total: One for correctly solving for [H30+] One for plugging the right values into the Ka equation One for solving for Ka correctly OK, now for part (c)! Oh crap, this one has PARTS WITHIN THE PART.Donââ¬â¢t panic; you got this. Itââ¬â¢s just true or false plus answer explanations!The explanations on these types of questions are very important. If you donââ¬â¢t explain your answer adequately, you wonââ¬â¢t get any points even if the answer itself is correct.You can earn two points total on this question, one for each answer AND explanation. Part (i): In solution, the OH ions from the NaOH will react with the CH3CH2COOH to form water and CH3CH2COO- like so (hydrolysis reaction): The pH of the resulting solution will be GREATER than 7 because of the formation of the new basic compound at equivalence. That means itââ¬â¢s false! Part (ii): If two acid solutions have the same pH, but one is with hydrochloric acid, and the other is with propionic acid, would the first solution necessarily have a lower molar concentration of the HCl? HCl is a strong acid that ionizes completely in solution while propionic acid only partially ionizes.Fewer moles of HCl are needed to produce the same molar concentration of H30+ and reach an equivalent pH level to the propionic acid solution.This one is true! The next part of the question offers up a new scenario, so letââ¬â¢s take stock of what we've learned from the added description.So, the student titrates 25 mL of a ~mystery solution~ (mysterious squiggles added for dramatic flair) of propanoic acid with 0.173 M NaOH and reaches the endpoint of the titration after 20.52 mL of the NaOH has been added. Now onto part (d)! Based on this information, part (d) asks us to figure out the molarity of the propanoic acid. First, how many moles of NaOH were put into the solution?We can find this by multiplying the total volume of NaOH solution by its molarity: (0.02052 L NaOH) x (0.173 mol NaOH / 1 L NaOH) =3.55 x 10-3mol A total of 3.55 x 10-3 moles of NaOH were put into the solution.Since the titration reached the equivalence point at this time, that means that the number of moles of NaOH added would have to be the same as the number of moles of propanoic acid in the original solution.If we divide 3.55 x 10-3 mol propanoic acid by the number of liters of acid in the original solution, we will get the molarity: 3.55 x 10-3 mol propanoic acid / 0.025 L propanoic acid = 0.142 M For this part, you get one point for correctly calculating the number of moles of acid at the equivalence point and one point for providing the correct molarity. Part (e) is a critical thinking question about a new experiment. Would the student have to use a different indicator to figure out the concentration of a solution of an acid with pKa of 4.83?Based on ourKa calculations in part b, we can use one of the equations on the formula sheet to figure out pKa for the original propionic acid and compare the two values. pKa = -logKapKa = -log(1.3 x 10-5)pKa = 4.89 The twopKa values of4.83 and 4.89 are pretty close to one another, so you wouldnââ¬â¢t need to use a different indicator in the new titration.The correct response is to disagree with the studentââ¬â¢s claim.You get one point here for disagreeing with the claim and explaining why, and you get a second point for directly comparing the two pKa values. Short Free-Response Sample Question Hereââ¬â¢s a sample short free-response question, also from the 2014 exam: As you can see, the ââ¬Å"shortâ⬠questions arenââ¬â¢t really that short, but theyââ¬â¢re not as involved as the long ones.There isn't as much information to digest, and each of the parts of the question is more direct.Each part of this question is worth one point (4 points total). Your response must include the correct answer and the correct justification/methodology to earn points! Starting with part (a): This is a PV = nRT question!Since we want the number of moles of CO2, weââ¬â¢re solving for n.P is 1.04 atm, V is 1.00 L, R is the gas constant (0.08206 L atm molâËâ1 KâËâ1), and T is 00 K. n = PV/RTn = (1.04 atm)(1.00 L)/(0.08206 L atm molâËâ1 KâËâ1)(00 K) n = 0.05 mol CO2 Moving onto part (b): In experiment 1, the original number of moles of CaCO3 would be equivalent to 50.0 g / (100.09 g/mol). The 100.09 g/mol number was calculated by adding up the atomic weights of the elements in the compound.This calculation gives us 0.500 mol CaCO3 total. If all of it had decomposed, the figure we calculated in part a for the number of mols of CO2 produced would also be 0.500 mol, but it was only 0.05 mol.This discrepancy means that the studentââ¬â¢s claim has to be false! Now letââ¬â¢s tackle part (c): What would happen if more gas was added to the container and the pressure went up to 1.5 atm? Would it go back down to 1.04 atm afterward? Equilibrium was reached in both experiments, and it resulted in a final pressure of 1.04 atm.The reaction would just adjust to the added gas by shifting towards the reactant.The pressure would go back down to the equilibrium figure of 1.04 atm as the excess CO2 was consumed.The final pressure would still be equal to 1.04 atm. Finally, weââ¬â¢ll answer part (d): Can we find Kp with the information weââ¬â¢re given?Yes!The pressure of the CO2 in this experiment determines the equilibrium constant as well because itââ¬â¢s the pressure of the gas at equilibrium.Thereââ¬â¢s only one gas involved in the reaction, and we already know its equilibrium pressure, which means we also know the value of the constant. Kp = 1.04 How to Practice AP Chemistry Free-Response Questions You can find AP Chemistry FRQsfrom previous years (and their solutions) on the College Board site. The test changed starting in 2014 (seven free-response questions instead of six, and no questions asking you just to balance equations), so keep in mind that only the 2014 and 2015 questions will be completely accurate representations of what you can expect to see on your test. Here's a link to the most recent questions and answer explanations: 2014 and 2015 AP Chemistry Free-Response Questions Note that you have to login to your College Board account for access to the 2015 questions. Even if you don't have an account yet, it's easy enough to create one (and you'll need it eventually anyways!). You can also practice with free-response questions from earlier versions of the exam. While these aren't completely aligned with the current structure of the test, they're still good tools to use in practicing your skills: AP Chemistry Free-Response Questions: 1999-2013 There is no login required for access to these questions. You can also check out my article that lists all the AP Chemistry practice tests and quizzes that are available online (coming soon!). There are a few more unofficial practice tests that include free-response questions modeled after the questions on the real exam. And use a calculator when you practice (you get one for the free-response section on the real test)! Definitely don't use a quill, though. That part of this image is irrelevant and mystifying. Conclusion The free-response section is the most challenging part of the AP Chemistry exam for most students. To do well, you need to have a strong understanding of all the major concepts covered in the course and be able to apply them to a variety of experimental scenarios. Most of these questions look intimidating, but they're manageable if you take them one step at a time and break them down into smaller chunks. Here's a review of how to solve free-response questions: Step 1: Figureout what you know Write down any data that's included in the question Step 2: Diveinto the question Figure out which formulas you need Do the necessary calculations Justify your responses Draw diagrams if applicable Step 3: Double check Make sure your units of measurement are correct Verify that your answers make sense logically Practice your skills on free-response questions from past AP tests until you feel comfortable. Remember, questions from tests before 2014 will be slightly different from the current free-response questions; base your expectations for the real test off the material from 2014 and 2015! What's Next? If you're looking for more AP Chemistry practice, check out my list of the best review books for this year's test.Almost all of them include free-response questions modeled after the current format of the exam. For a holistic look at the most effective way to study for in-class assessments and the final exam, read my ultimate study guide for AP Chemistry. Are you debating whether to start studying now or put it off a little longer? Learn more about when you need to get serious about your study plans for AP tests. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Friday, February 28, 2020
Describe and analyze Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Describe and analyze - Essay Example The closest competitors of Starbucks are the other coffee shops in US, doughnut shops, and restaurants (Tata Global Beverages ââ¬Å"Tata Starbucks readies for Indian market entry by end of Octoberâ⬠). Starbucks is planning to expand aggressively, by adding 3500 stores round the world. It has also planned to increase the number of shops in US to 20,000 and then eventually 40,000. (Starbucks Newsroom ââ¬Å"Tata Starbucks Limited Readies for India Market Entry by End of Octoberâ⬠). Starbucks planned its roadmap to venture in India with Tata Global Beverages, though according to the present legal framework of the country, Starbucks could have entered India without any partner, yet the company is planning to enter into a 50-50 joint venture with TATA Group. As far as marketing strategies of Starbucks are concerned for India, the strategies that they have formulated for the US target market would not assist them to be successful in India because India is a culturally rich count ry and the people belonging to any class have strong attachment to the culture. In India coffee is preferred, but tea is preferred more than coffee. Moreover, the food offered in Starbucks in USA is completely different from the taste and preferences of Indian consumers (Knowledge Wharton Today ââ¬Å"Starbucks Comes to India, Selling Coffee and Atmosphereâ⬠). ... Starbucks is also well-known for its high quality coffee bean, so the Indian customers would expect to receive similar high quality and tasty coffee and tea from Starbucks, but the other menus such as snacks or meals which is also sold in Starbucks stores have to be absolutely Indian or balanced combination of Indo-American dishes, as the Indian customers have varied taste and preferences and they welcome different food items and menus from different countries too (Ahmed ââ¬Å"Starbucks Delays India Entryâ⬠). Starbucksââ¬â¢ step to choose TATA for entering India is a very intelligent decision because TATA as a brand has high goodwill in India. TATA is denoted as another name for India values, relationship and high quality product. Apart from this, TATA also has the experience of understanding the Indian customers better than any other company. So it can be said that two strategies would assist Starbucks to successfully enter and set business India; firstly the joint venture with Tata Group, and secondly the marketing strategies which would include understanding the Indian culture, their values, taste and preferences, and then design the menu and the ambience or culture of the coffee shop accordingly. Answer 2 First Solar Inc. is an American company which manufactures photovoltaic films or modules which is popularly known as solar panels. It is one of the largest manufacturers of solar power modules which are used to convert the sunlight into electricity. The customers of First Solar are the solar project developers, independent producers of power, and system integrators. Initially the company sold its products in Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Italy, but later it expanded its markets to China, India and also in other parts of US. The
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Effects of Emissions from Unburned Hydrocarbons under Cold Start Term Paper
Effects of Emissions from Unburned Hydrocarbons under Cold Start - Term Paper Example The present research seeks to critically investigate the potential effects of emissions from unburned hydrocarbons under cold start. Emissions from unburned hydrocarbons under cold start are a serious problem in many diesel and gasoline automotive engines that is generally characterized by generation excessive extra emissions of pollutants. The problem particularly occurs in the initial few minutes of starting an engine when it still cold and has not achieved its optimal operating temperature, thereby resulting in inefficient and incomplete combustion. A cold start is common, as weather conditions in most climates will naturally be at a lower temperature than the typical operating temperatures of an engine. Additionally, extra emissions related to cold start may also occur when one ignites the engine of an abandoned or inactive vehicle for a significant amount of time (Raja and Arasu, 2014). While a number of previous studies have focused on the phenomenon of the extra emissions related to the conditions of cold start, little is known about the, magnitude of its potential effects. In the event of cold start, the engine compression is higher as the lack of heat makes ignition more difficult. Secondly the low temperatures cause engine oil to become more viscous, making it difficult to circulate. Similarly, the air becomes denser and affects the air-fuel ratio, which in turn affects the flammability of the mixture.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Alcoholic Anonymous Essay Example for Free
Alcoholic Anonymous Essay Recently, I attended an A.A. meeting, which stands for, alcoholic anonymous. The meeting I went to was located in Penfield, NY at 1601 Jackson Road, area code 14526. It was called the Yellow House. When I walked in, everyone was very welcoming and nice. Many people stared at me intensely as I entered the Yellow House. I think they thought I was a recovering alcoholic, until I explained to them later that I was there to listen and observe for a school project for my drugs and behavior class. The place was very cozy inside, had a number of chairs lined up for everyone to sit down and coffee ready to drink. I sat down in one of the chairs. A lady came up to me and handed me a coin that said ââ¬Å"24 hours recoveryâ⬠; this was before I had the chance to tell her that I was there to observe for a school project. I guess when you go to an alcoholic anonymous meeting for the first time you get awarded a 24 hour recovery coin to make you feel good and know youââ¬â¢re doing something good to help you recover from your alcoholic addiction. The meeting started promptly at 5:30 P.M. like it said it would. The leaders read out announcements and let everybody know if someone new has showed up. If youââ¬â¢re new joining alcoholics anonymous, you introduce yourself by saying your name and stating you are an alcoholic, and then everyone else in the room say ââ¬Å"hiâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ whatever your name is to make you feel welcome. Then the person can either talk more about why they came or stop talking and then another person will randomly say their name and why they are attending and so on. There was a vast majority of adults and older people in their 50s or 60s. There were a couple grandfathers, grandmothers and one or two kids my age. I sat next to a kid who was around the same age as me and I felt shocked that he would be attending this type of meeting at such a young age. As the stories from the crowd of people kept going on, I recognized everyone clapping very deliberately and diligent at everyoneââ¬â¢s accomplishments for the most little to no importance scenarios, for instance, a man got up and said he had been sober for 90 days and everyone clapped for a really long time. I also realized everyone laughed at everything that was the least bit funny to make it feel like a warm, comfortable, atmosphere. There are meetings every night at this place in Penfield at 5:30 P.M. Each meeting has a different name every night. The meeting I went to was called a ââ¬Å"First Stepâ⬠meeting. It was for people attending the yellow house or an alcoholic anonymous meeting somewhere for the first time and admitting they are an alcoholic and that they want to get sober. When you start the program, you commit yourself to following a ââ¬Å"12 step programâ⬠and attending 90 days of alcoholics anonymous. The first step states ââ¬Å"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable.â⬠And when you finish the program, you end with the last step, step number twelve, which states: ââ¬Å"Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.â⬠Attending the alcoholics anonymous groups around the world has changed many recovering alcoholics lives and brought stability to their mind body and soul.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
the way of confucius Essay -- essays research papers
à à à à à Confucius is one of the most famous of the ancient Chinese philosophers. Confucius lived from 551 to 479 BC. He believed that Chinese culture had peaked during the height of the Zhou dynasty. During their reign, the Zhou rulers adhered to a set of practices referred to as the ââ¬Å"liâ⬠, also called rites or rituals. These rites governed all aspects of Chinese culture. The rites told everything, from the way huge political ceremonies should be conducted, to what is the proper way to respond to the receiving of a gift. During Confuciusââ¬â¢ life, the role of the Zhou kings was reduced to mere figureheads and many of the rites had been lost, forgotten, or reduced to a lesser role. Confucius decided that he was to revive the practice of the rites and show others back to the way of the ââ¬Å"daoâ⬠, or the ââ¬Å"way of heavenâ⬠. In an effort to accomplish this, Confucius would not only strive to strictly follow the rites himself, he would dedicate his life to teaching and spreading them to others as well. The teachings of Confucius cover a wide variety of topics, as they were meant to govern all aspects of oneââ¬â¢s life. Some of the most important aspects of the rites taught by Confucius regard family relations, desirable traits of character, proper ways of governing, and aspects of ââ¬Å"renâ⬠or ââ¬Å"true humanenessâ⬠or ââ¬Å"humanityâ⬠. While some of his teachings are ideas specific to his time and culture, such as the proper colors to be worn by nobility, other teachings such as family relations and virtue of character are just as valuable to todayââ¬â¢s society as it was for his own. One of the most important aspects of life for Confucius was family life and relationships. Many of his teachings are therefore related to such topics. The main points of Confuciusââ¬â¢ teaching regarding family life have to do with filial obligations and respect among the family. He had become disheartened by the current state of family affairs as can be seen in Book 2.4 where he states ââ¬Å"nowadays, filial is used to refer to anyone who is merely able to provide their parents with nourishment. But even dogs and horses are provided with nourishment. If you do not treat your parents with reverence, wherein lies the differenceâ⬠(Ivanhoe, 5). Confucius believed that respect and reverence were the foundation of the family bonds and what separated people from the animals. Confucius believed the only cor... ...ims with the proper corresponding actions. Confucius also makes clear the distinction between a gentleman and a petty man. He gives examples such as in Book 4.16 when he states that a gentleman acts a certain way because he understands what the right thing to do is, where as a petty man acts a certain way only because it is to his advantage to do so. In Book 15.2 Confucius states that in times of hardship, such as a shortage of food or water, the gentleman remains firm and levelheaded, while the petty man becomes overwhelmed by the situation and acts improperly. He also states that in terms of everyday affairs, ââ¬Å"the gentleman is relaxed and at ease, while the petty man is anxious and full of worryâ⬠(Ivanhoe, 23). As can be seen, Confucius was an extremely wise man. His appreciation for the past spurred the development of his teachings that have stood the test of time. While his work was intended to guide the masses of his day back to the glory that was once the Zhou dynasty, he instead managed to create a set of rites and teachings about the importance of family relations and strength of character that can be applied and appreciated as much today as they were over 2000 years ago.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
What Is Cost Management Accounting Reporting Systems
Cost Accounting Reporting System deals with the process of tracking, measuring, recording and classifying the appropriate allocation of expenditure (financial and non-financial) for the determination of the cost of product or service in an organization and for the presentation of suitably arranged data for the purpose of control and guidance of management (Horngren et al, 2010). Costs are measured in terms of Direct Costs, Indirect Costs and Overhead/Absorbed Costs. Managers use cost accounting to support decision making to reduce a company's costs of products and services and improve its profitability. Management Accounting Reporting System is concerned with the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of financial and non- financial information used by managers to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis in making informed business decisions that would allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions thereby enhancing both customer and shareholder value (CIMA, 2010). Unlike financial accounting information, management accounting information is used within an organization typically for decision-making in varied areas like product design, production,marketing, and performance management. Management accounting systems also do not have to follow set principles and rules and is usually confidential and its access available only to a select few. Cost Accounting operates within the parameters of Management Accounting. As businesses became more complex and diversified, a more comprehensive reporting system was needed in order to help management make decisions. Modern cost accounting systems take the perspective that collecting cost information is a function of the management decisions being made. Thus it can be safely understood that Management Accounting evolved from Cost Accounting. Hence, the distinction between management accounting and cost accounting is not so well-defined and the terms are used interchangeably (Horngren et al, 2010). Management Accounting principles are also used in other accounting related functions such as Long Term Planning (LTP), budgeting and forecasting revenue and profit planning. Again, cost accounting data is used as an integral part of the process. Management Accounting Reporting Systems: Necessity & Role Value creation is the fundamental focal point for the managers in an organisation across diverse sectors (Smith, 2010). Value creation refers to both customer and shareholders. Creating customer value has been a key concern for the organizations but only in recent years have the managers come to recognize the importance of understanding the customer value ââ¬â the value that a customer places on particular features of a product and satisfying customers is critical to achieving increased sales and market share and therefore to achieve the shareholder value (Smith, 2010). Shareholder value is also a key focus area for the managers and involves improving the net worth of the business for the shareholders/owners of the company. From a shareholdersââ¬â¢/ownersââ¬â¢ perspective, parameters like increased profits, share value and dividends are extremely important and management is charged with the responsibility of delivering on all the parameters. To enhance customer or shareholder value, managers need to understand what drives value. They have to make decisions and invest resources in the activities or aspects of their business that lead to improvements in customer and shareholder values. The effective and efficient use of resources is essential to creating value to customers and shareholders; and Management Accounting Reporting System provides the much needed critical information to assist managers to perform this role (Smith, 2010). Management Accounting System supports the organisationââ¬â¢s planning and implementation of strategy. The strategic planning of an organisation specifies the direction (type of businesses and markets to enter and how to compete in the market) that the organisation intends to take over the long-term to meet its objectives. Strategic planning draws on a wide range of management accounting information from costing, budgeting, performance measurement systems, as well as information from analytical studies, both external and internal to the organisation (Smith, 2010). The implementation of the strategy requires management accounting system link the long term plans to the budgeting system, to produce annual budgets that supports the2 organisationââ¬â¢s strategies. Performance Measurement Systems which forms a part of the management accounting system can be used to compare actual outcomes to budgets and other targets that focus on the organisationââ¬â¢s trategic objectives (Smith, 2010). With cut-throat competition in the market-place, well managed organisations focus their objectives and strategies on building and maintaining sources of competitive advantage. Thus Management Accounting Systems contributes to improving the organisationââ¬â¢s competitive advantage in terms of quality, delivery time, flexibility, innovation and cost through modern process improvement and cost management techniques. It also provides information to help manage resources, through systems for planning (e. g. budgets) and control (e. g. performance measures). Furthermore, Management Accounting System also provides estimates of the costs of the organisationââ¬â¢s output ââ¬â goods and services, to support both the strategic and operational decision needs of managers. Cost Accounting Reporting System on a standalone basis helps the organisation in ascertaining the cost of the product, job or services. The reporting system provides detailed information about the composition of total cost for determining the selling price of the product or service under different conditions. Fully developed cost accounting system provides ready information regarding stock of raw material, work-in-progress and finished goods and also facilitates in the preparation of financial and other statements at such intervals as desired by the management. Cost accounting reporting system also helps in measuring and further increasing the efficiency of the organization (Horngren et al, 2010). This process involves a study of the processes and procedures used in manufacturing or providing goods or services to measure the efficiency of the organisation or departments and devising means of increasing the efficiency. Thus, the cost accounting information becomes the basis of formulating forward-looking operative policies. The Cost accounting information is also used to control and reduce cost and hence increasing the profits thereby increasing the customer and shareholder value (Smith, 2010). The techniques that are used for controlling cost are budgetary control and standard costing methods. The cost accounting information makes possible for the management to distinguish between profitable and unprofitable operations. Concentrating on profitable operations and eliminating non-profitable ones can maximize profit. This information also helps in eliminating wasteful expenditure of resources at various levels and will help the management in forming future course of action. Compared to other supportive reporting systems like Financial Accounting System, which provides information about the financial position and past performance of an organization on an annual or quarterly basis to investors, banks, regulators and other outside parties, Cost and Management Accounting Systems can provide information on a short and long term basis which can be past, present and future oriented and can satisfy the short and long term decision making needs of the management towards fulfilling the organizational goals (Horngren et al, 2010). The factors that contribute towards fulfilling the organizational goal of increasing profits and shareholder wealth like information for planning and controlling operations, estimates of cost of producing goods and services efficiently; and information for measuring performance can also be provided by Management Accounting Systems. Financial Accounting Reports has to follow very strict guidelines and protocol in its compilation and final presentation form. These norms and guidelines are internationally accepted and implemented while Management Accounting reports are for internal use of management for decision making and may not be completely objective and verifiable but is relevant to the issue at hand (Horngren et al, 2010). Moreover, Financial Accounting reports on the business or company in its entirety, i. e. Financial Accounting reports show the overall picture of a businesses financial position for a certain reporting period and are not concerned with any particular department of the organisation while Management Accounting reportsââ¬â¢ primary emphasis is on segment reporting (Smith, 2010). It deals with the various segments like product lines, departments or any other categorization of the companyââ¬â¢s activities that management finds useful and is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles. Conclusion In a nutshell, there is a tremendous necessity for management and cost accounting reporting systems in an organisation, not only for achieving the predetermined goals and remain profitable, but also to create value to both customers and shareholders. Since the complexities of running an organisation has increased due to complicated market systems and increased competition, there is a need for the management accounting reporting system to be brought under a common control framework for the effective function of the system and helping the organisation to proactively reduce cost and bring profitability.
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