Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Comparison of Poem Annabel Lee to my poem New Beginnings Essay
Comparison of Poem Annabel Lee to my poem New Beginnings - Essay Example The most prominent example could be read in all stanzas, with the constant repetition of the name Annabel Lee. It is also a ballad because it gives the subject of the author a mystical air, with the mention of words such as angels, demons and heaven. The tone of the poem Annabel Lee expresses a variety of powerful emotions, usually deep and dark. One can feel and sense a strong degree of grief, melancholy and hopelessness written throughout the poem. An illustration of such can be seen in the 5th and 6th line of the 4th stanza, which reads: ââ¬Å"That the wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Leeâ⬠. The author conveyed words which are charged with all these powerful feelings so that it can have a sort of emphatic effect upon the reader, and also that the reader may emotionally understand and connect with the author. The poemââ¬â¢s diction is very intense and deep. It uses numerous words that reveal the authorââ¬â¢s depth of thought and feeli ngs. By using these words, the author then makes use of them in varied figures of speech like that of metaphors. The expression of each word came out with much strength of delivery that it provokes the imagination of the reader to see what it is that the author is expressing through his written words. With regard to the syntax of the poem Annabel Lee, the author shifted from the normal English syntax in favor of a more poetic syntax. The use of poetic syntax helps increase the expression of emotional, psychological and spiritual impact to the reader. The poem Annabel Lee has the tendency to leave a thought or feeling briefly in a line, providing a pause, as to give it a sense of melodrama. This is how most of the lines go about throughout the poem, which gives the poem an ethereal aura. As for the rhyme scheme in Annabel Lee, much use of rhyming has been made to give it a lyrical effect, and this would make the work different from that of a prose. Such lyrical effect would make this poem a ballad. The constant repetition of the name Annabel Lee serves a purpose, which is to make emphasis on the subject of the poem, as well as to emphasize the other words that can rhyme with it. Every stanza in the poem has words in the end of each line that rhymes with the line after the one that precedes it. As for the meter characteristic of the poem Annabel Lee, the poem has a structure, of which the first and second stanzas have six lines, the third stanza having eight lines, the fourth stanza having six lines as well, and the seventh and eight stanzas having seven lines. Edgar Allen Poe used a mix of anapestic and iambic meters. Anapestic meter meansà two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable, which makes the words seem as if they have a fast paced movement, while iambic meter means two syllables which are composed of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, which is usually the usual pacing of a person doing a casual conversation. The use of such meter characteristics gives the poem a sense of story-like movement and pacing, as much as it gives it a sort of life of its own. The poem New Beginnings has certain similarities to that of Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s poem Annabel Lee. While it seems simple in language and makes use of the more contemporary casual English language, a reflection of the Romantic style is visible, through the use of words that invoke deep and intense emotions. Also, there are some interesting distinctions
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Nazi dictatorship in Germany Essay Example for Free
The Nazi dictatorship in Germany Essay How similar were the Nazi dictatorship in Germany and the Fascist dictatorship in Italy to 1939? The similarities and dissimilarities of the dictatorships in Germany and in Italy can be identified within 3 aspects: how the dictatorships were formed (took power), how they were run, can how they affected civilian life in Germany and Italy. This essay will offer comparisons in these aspects and come to a summary of the extent and nature of their similarity. Both dictatorships were popular dictatorships. Both parties exploited the surging Nationalism in Italy and Germany after WWI, and established popularity by propaganda, rhetoric and attracting promises, like Mussolinis continuation of Giolittis Risorgimento programme and Hitlers promise to overthrow the Versailles Treaty. Both parties exploited the weakness of rival political forces, that is, a lack of democratic tradition in both countries and thus a vulnerability to the influence of radical ideology. The appointment of Hitler by Hindenburg and that of Mussolini by King Victor Emmanuelle were both more of a compromise due to shortage of alternative than a positive victory on the other side. A common antipathy against Communism that pervaded in German and Italian society gave momentum to Nazi and Fascist rising. The use of terror was an effective factor for the emergence of both dictatorships. Hitlers Nazi brownshirts and Mussolinis squadrsiti both played important roles in eliminating their opponents. The minor difference in the Nazi and Fascist paths to power is most manifest in the influence of WWI. Germany was heavily scarred by the economic, military and political penalty as a consequence of her defeat. The common hatred and vigilance against other powers gave a negative cohesion to the national psychology, which was magnificently exploited by Hitler. While on the other hand, the appeal of Mussolinis policies was more of an ambitious imperial nature. The reigns of Nazi and Fascist dictatorships had more similarities than dissimilarities. Power was highly centralized and democracy suffered a complete destruction in both countries. The Reichstag fire in Germany and the issue of a formal decree banning all other political parties in Italy in 1926 destroyed the parliamentarian machinery completely in the two countries. Violence and intimidation continued to be in frequent use to combat opposition. The murder of Ernst Roehm by the SSs and the establishment of the Chamber of Fasces and Corporations imposed on the pseudo-democratic practice of corporatism in Italy were examples for this point. Fascist and Nazi dictatorships both attempted to solve the nations economic problems. Development of heavy industry and infrastructure in Germany and Italy during this period was impressive. Big businesses benefited immensely from Fascist and Nazi economic policies. This also limited the achievement of both dictatorships in dealing with economic difficulties: Nazi economy stayed heavily dependent on imports. Italian Northern-Southern imbalance stayed unsolved. A difference here is that Nazis made use of rearmament policy as a strong impetus for economic recovery. Foreign policies were instrumental in both countries in accumulating support for the dictatorships. Mussolinis victory in the Ethiopian wars brought him massive support. The Anchluss with Austria made brought Hitlers national image to a higher level. In short, both Nazi and Fascist dictatorships were extreme-right ideological rules that were enhanced by censorship and military terrorism. Their foreign policies were both aggressive and nationalistic, to confirm the greatness of the leadership. The major difference between Nazi and Fascist dictatorships was on their bearing on German and Italian societies. Though Italian Fascism initially provided a source of imitation for the formation of Nazism, but the extent to which it influenced the society was limited in contrast with Nazi society. Benedetto Croce with his outspoken antagonism towards fascism would certainly not have survived in Hitlers regime. Anti-Semitism was not as widely spread in Italian society. This is partly due to the uniqueness of stab in the back myth that Germanys failure in WWI entailed. Mussolinis personal image prevailed over his partys. The Fascist party hardly produced any powerful public personalities as Goebbels or Himmler. The presence of Church as a counterforce of the Fascist dictatorship was also a major difference between the two dictatorships. This limited Fascist control over civilian cultural, religious and intellectual life. Unlike Mussolini whose whole image was no much more than rhetoric and glamour, Hitler viewed himself as a profound intellectual thinker and substantially influenced social ideology through his thoughts like expressed in his lectures and Mein Kampff. The overall force that united Italian people was not the negative resistance and a lust for revenge like that Nazi society embodied, but a positive ambition of less depth and weight. Nazism is but a variant of fascism in a heterogeneous circumstance. The political and ideological natures of them are essentially of the same origin: the fin-de-sià ¯Ã ¿Ã ½cle philosophies of Social Darwinism, Nietzschean humanism, and revolt against liberal democracy as a continuum of Marxist thoughts. Nazi dictatorship extended the social implantation of fascism because of Germanys different post-war circumstance and social constitution. The difference in the leaders personalities was in minor importance but it differed the practice of certain policies, for example Hitlers invigoration of Anti-Semitism.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship :: essays papers
Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship The Webster's New World Dictionary defines "folie a deux" as "A condition in which symptoms of a mental disorder, such as delusive beliefs or ideas, occur simultaneously in two individuals who share a close relationship or association." (231) In Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener" this concept of coinciding peculiarity, or obsession is demonstrated quite vividly throughout three different stages. The first, Bartleby's unwavering preoccupation with his employment, followed by his decision to do no work whatsoever, and finally Bartleby's determination to accomplish nothing at all, not even partaking of the basic functions required to sustain life. During each of these phases, Bartleby's actions are met with limited efforts on the part of the narrating lawyer, who endeavors to 'help' his odd employee. It is this interaction which poses the question of how much responsibility a human should have for his or her fellow man. Bartleby's focus passes through three main stages before his death, the first of which is his obsession with performing a single action to the exclusion of everything else. Initially, Bartleby works day and night, "as if famished for something to copy." (Melville paragraph 18) His goal, it seems, is to single-mindedly to accomplish as much copying as is humanly possible. The first few attempts on the part of the narrator to tell Bartleby to do something else, no matter how moderate the task, are met with the simple refusal, "I'd prefer not to." (Melville paragraph 21) The narrator reasonably chooses not to punish this insubordination because of both the quality, and the quantity of Bartleby's regular work. After a series of requests from the narrator that all end in noncompliance, Bartleby shifts his focus from the intensive copying of documents to simply doing nothing at all. This, of course, is a kind of obsession that is not acceptable in the modern work force, and can not feasibly be tolerated by the narrator. As the agent of punishment, the narrator is at this point stuck with making the decision to either sympathize with Bartleby, or lose his professional reputation. In a final attempt to clear his conscience, the lawyer proffers both alternate employment options, and temporary housing arrangements. Once again, all efforts on the part of the narrator to offer genuine help are rebuffed, and the narrator at last "proposes to remove his offices next week. Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship :: essays papers Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship The Webster's New World Dictionary defines "folie a deux" as "A condition in which symptoms of a mental disorder, such as delusive beliefs or ideas, occur simultaneously in two individuals who share a close relationship or association." (231) In Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener" this concept of coinciding peculiarity, or obsession is demonstrated quite vividly throughout three different stages. The first, Bartleby's unwavering preoccupation with his employment, followed by his decision to do no work whatsoever, and finally Bartleby's determination to accomplish nothing at all, not even partaking of the basic functions required to sustain life. During each of these phases, Bartleby's actions are met with limited efforts on the part of the narrating lawyer, who endeavors to 'help' his odd employee. It is this interaction which poses the question of how much responsibility a human should have for his or her fellow man. Bartleby's focus passes through three main stages before his death, the first of which is his obsession with performing a single action to the exclusion of everything else. Initially, Bartleby works day and night, "as if famished for something to copy." (Melville paragraph 18) His goal, it seems, is to single-mindedly to accomplish as much copying as is humanly possible. The first few attempts on the part of the narrator to tell Bartleby to do something else, no matter how moderate the task, are met with the simple refusal, "I'd prefer not to." (Melville paragraph 21) The narrator reasonably chooses not to punish this insubordination because of both the quality, and the quantity of Bartleby's regular work. After a series of requests from the narrator that all end in noncompliance, Bartleby shifts his focus from the intensive copying of documents to simply doing nothing at all. This, of course, is a kind of obsession that is not acceptable in the modern work force, and can not feasibly be tolerated by the narrator. As the agent of punishment, the narrator is at this point stuck with making the decision to either sympathize with Bartleby, or lose his professional reputation. In a final attempt to clear his conscience, the lawyer proffers both alternate employment options, and temporary housing arrangements. Once again, all efforts on the part of the narrator to offer genuine help are rebuffed, and the narrator at last "proposes to remove his offices next week.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Nuclear Physics Essay -- physics nuclear
The Nucleus of an atom consists of protons, and neutrons. A proton has a charge of positive one while a neutron has no electric charge at all and both have a mass of one atomic mass unit. These two particles are known as nucleons. On the outside of the nucleus electrons can be found. These electrons have a charge of negative one and a mass that is negligible because of how small it is compared to the nucleons. The discovery of the electron showed that the atom might have an internal structure. It was originally thought to be a conglomerate or "plum pudding" as it was called. But it was soon discovered using the gold foil experiment. Some of the particles were scattered backwards. Because of these results, it was theorized that the nucleus was like an electron moon orbiting a neutron and proton planet. Using this model, it is easier to understand how the different reactions occur. Radio activity was discovered in 1896 by Henri Becquerel while he was working with compounds that contained uranium. Photographic plates that were used to keep out light because partially exposed when they were brought near any of the compounds that were part uranium. He speculated that the exposure was caused by some form of ray passing through the plates. He also found the some materials other than uranium contained these rays. These materials are said to be radio active. There are three kinds of radiation known as à ± alpha, à ² beta, and à ³ gamma radiation. These were discovered by Enrest Rutherford in 1899. Alpha particles are the nucleus of the He atom, beta particles are high speed electrons and gamma rays are high energy photons. à ± Alpha decay is the emission of an He nucleus. Because the alpha particles contai... ...o when the atoms are released they cannot help but mash into each other. This is where all of the extra energy comes from which causes the explosion. Hydrogen Bombs The hydrogen bomb is much more powerful than the atomic bomb. The actual trigger for the bomb is not TNT but instead an actual atomic bomb. The H-Bomb is made up of two different kinds of isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium. Smaller atomic bombs trigger the finale explosion for the Hydrogen bomb. Like the TNT, they compress the two isotopes into a very dense mass which initiates fusion, producing great amounts of energy. The actual bomb casing is made out of uranium. When the inside of the bomb detonates its causes the casing to undergo fission which causes even more energy to be released. The fusion reactions produces a fission reaction which totals up to a huge amount of energy.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Favorite Place Orlando Florida
Orlando, Florida The best place for vacation Orlando, Florida. Orlando is one of the most busy tourist locations in Florida, maybe even busier than the Miami beaches. This is because Orlando has many locations for all kinds of people, whether they are children, or adults. Orlando has many theme parks located on its famous strip, including Disneyworld, Wet n' Wild, Universal Studios, Ripley's Believe it or Not House. Sea World, and a host of other tourist locations. And out of all these places, the most interesting place to be at is Disneyworld. Many people think that Disneyworld is a place for children. This cannot be farther from the truth. Even though Disneyworld is designed for children and families, many adults can have a fun time there. Disneyworld is one of the biggest and most visited amusement parks in the world. The disneyworld in Orlando is also known as The Magic Kingdom and this is the best name for the place. Once you enter Disneyworld, you do enter into a magic kingdom. It is of no surprise that many adults have found Disneyworld to be an extremely entertaining. Even though most of the rides are meant for the children, the adults can take pleasure in being inside an architectural piece of wonderland. The Magic Kingdom is divided into many areas, and one of the most prominent, the area that comes in as soon as you enter the Magic Kingdom is the Main Street, usa. This street is made up of various architectural styles from the various states of usa, with much of the style being influence by Missouri and New England. The buildings on Main Street are built in such a way that they seem to be bigger than they actually are; the second story is smaller than the first, and the third smaller than the second is, giving the buildings a larger-than-life image. At the end of the Main Street is Cinderella's Castle, which is the trademark of the magic k ingdom. You really have to see it to appreciate its magical realm. The rest of the area is divided into different lands, such as the Frontier Land, the Adventure Land, the Land of Tomorrow, Liberty Square, and Fantasy Land. Adventureland is a paradise for children and a treat for the adults. It is made up of various foreign lands that represent the jungles of Africa, Asia, and South America. A make-belief Caribbean town square has also been built into this area to give a tropical feel to the area. This area has rides such as the Pirates of the Caribbean, Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, and the Jungle. Cruise. Frontierland has been built in the place of the Wild West and the Rivers of America. This place has the looks of Rocky Mountains and railroads as it hosts rides such as the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, and Tom Sawyer Island. Another area that is more popular for the children is Fantasyland. This is a colorful array of architecture that works together to represent the fantasyland of the children's minds. Includes rides such as Dumbo the Flying Elephant, Snow White's Scary Adventures, Cinderella's Golden Carrousel, and Mad Tea Party. Even though most of the rides and entertainment present inside the Magic Kingdom is meant for the kids, this does not mean that adults cannot enjoy them. The Magic Kingdom offers many packages and incentives for young couples to visit and there are more than a few freshly married people who have visited the Magic Kingdom for their honeymoon. Overall, the Magic Kingdom in Disneyworld, Orlando, Florida is a place for people of all ages and for all nationalities. It is a place one must visit at least once in their lifetime.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Lost World essays
The Lost World essays The Lost World was written by Michael Crichton. This book is the sequel to Jurassic Park. This is book takes place on the island Isla Sorna. It was a privately owned island on the west coast of Coast Rica by InGen. They are the biology company that made the dinosaurs and founded Jurassic Park. This island is where the first dinosaurs were born. Dr. Wu just came up with this new technology and they werent sure how it would turn out so they made all the original eggs on this island. Then once they got it right then they make the eggs on Isla Nublar. The main characters were Richard Levine, Ian Malcolm, Doctor Thorne, and Sarah Harding. Richard Levine made all of the other people get into this mess. He had discovered that the Coast Rican government were burying strange dead animals that washed up on the coast. He went down there and send a piece back to Ian Malcolm. Malcolm brought it to a zoo and they said that it was tagged and that it was something that they had never seen before. At that moment Malcolm knew that it was a dinosaur because he had seen them before at Jurassic Park. Then he called Levine and he wasnt home. Then he got in contacted with Doctor Thorne, who was making some special field vehicles for Levine. Thorne also didnt know were Levine was. Both of them and two of Levine students from school, Kelly and Arby went over to Levines apartment. There he found a huge map on his wall and they figured out that Levine was on Isla Sorna. They figured it out by looking up old files on Site B on his computer, that he bought form InGen. They then decided to go to that island and get him. They then called Sarah Harding and asked her if she wanted to go and she said that she would think about it. Once on the island they unpacked the specially made trailer and the Explorer from the huge steel containers that the helicopter had brought to the island. They both ran off of electric and ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cinderella and EverAfter essays
Cinderella and EverAfter essays When most people think of the movie, Cinderella, they think of the animated Disney version with the little mice and the happy ending where Cinderella marries the prince and they live happily ever after. While the movie Ever After is based on Cinderella, it is not animated, but still has many of the same characteristics as the Disney version. Of course it is not exactly the same, and since it is not animated there are many differences. In Ever After, Drew Barrymore portrays the character Cinderella, who in the beginning of this movie is called Danielle. In the very beginning, it shows how Danielles father died and how she went off to live with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. In Cinderella, both of the stepsisters are wicked, but in Ever After, her sister Jacqueline is not so wicked and usually sides with Danielle. In Ever After, Jacqueline is the not so pretty and quiet sister and Marguerite is the loud obnoxious pretty one. One similarity is that in both movies, Cinderella and Danielle are servants to their stepmother and stepsisters. They are also not allowed to eat with them, only serve them. In Ever After, Danielles only friends are the other servants of the house, this is similar to how Cinderella is friends with the mice that live in her house. In both cases their friends are always protective and willing to help. In Cinderella, Cinderella doesnt meet the prince before the ball, she doesnt even really expect to be going to the ball. In Ever After, Danielle meets the prince in a confrontation where the prince was actually stealing one of their horses. Danielle starts pegging him with apples, but just as she realizes that he is the prince, she kneels down before him. She apologizes, but the prince is lenient and s...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Lakota Woman
Lakota Woman By: josh The book ââ¬Å"Lakota Woman,â⬠is an autobiography that depicts Mary Crow Dog and Indiansââ¬â¢ Lives. Because I only had a limited knowledge on Indians, the book was full of surprising incidents after incidents. Moreover, she starts out her story by describing how her Indian friends died in miserable and unjustifiable ways. After reading first few pages, I was able to tell that Indians were mistreated in the same manners as African-Americans by whites. The only facts that make it look worse are, Indians got their land stolen and prejudice and inequality for them still exists. Just like other Indian kids on reservation, Crow Dogââ¬â¢s childhood was poor in everyway; didnââ¬â¢t have enough food, clothes, education, and parentsââ¬â¢ love. She was kidnapped to boarding school where Indian children are imprisoned: only allowed to go home one week every year. Because Indians have very strong family tide, such as tiyospaye, being taken away from family was very hard for In dian Children. Crow Dog tried to fight against the school system and published newspapers, explaining how school is treating them like slaves. She quit school but she somehow managed to get her diploma. Despite the fact that she earned her diploma, Crow Dog was living aimlessly; drinking, drugs, stealing, and running away from home. Many Indians spend their ADC check on those things because of the given situation they are in. However, not every Indian spends the day boozed and stoned; like people of AIM are trying to fight against the wrong system. She joins AIM where she finds Indians, living their lives to the fullest to fight for their right. AIM changed her life in two big ways; she learned to fight not only for herself but also for her own people and met her husband Leonard Crow Dog. As an AIM person and Indian, she participates in many Indian activities such as BIA take over, the siege at Wounded Knee, and many peyote meetings. She fights against dicta... Free Essays on Lakota Woman Free Essays on Lakota Woman Lakota Woman By: josh The book ââ¬Å"Lakota Woman,â⬠is an autobiography that depicts Mary Crow Dog and Indiansââ¬â¢ Lives. Because I only had a limited knowledge on Indians, the book was full of surprising incidents after incidents. Moreover, she starts out her story by describing how her Indian friends died in miserable and unjustifiable ways. After reading first few pages, I was able to tell that Indians were mistreated in the same manners as African-Americans by whites. The only facts that make it look worse are, Indians got their land stolen and prejudice and inequality for them still exists. Just like other Indian kids on reservation, Crow Dogââ¬â¢s childhood was poor in everyway; didnââ¬â¢t have enough food, clothes, education, and parentsââ¬â¢ love. She was kidnapped to boarding school where Indian children are imprisoned: only allowed to go home one week every year. Because Indians have very strong family tide, such as tiyospaye, being taken away from family was very hard for In dian Children. Crow Dog tried to fight against the school system and published newspapers, explaining how school is treating them like slaves. She quit school but she somehow managed to get her diploma. Despite the fact that she earned her diploma, Crow Dog was living aimlessly; drinking, drugs, stealing, and running away from home. Many Indians spend their ADC check on those things because of the given situation they are in. However, not every Indian spends the day boozed and stoned; like people of AIM are trying to fight against the wrong system. She joins AIM where she finds Indians, living their lives to the fullest to fight for their right. AIM changed her life in two big ways; she learned to fight not only for herself but also for her own people and met her husband Leonard Crow Dog. As an AIM person and Indian, she participates in many Indian activities such as BIA take over, the siege at Wounded Knee, and many peyote meetings. She fights against dicta... Free Essays on Lakota Woman "Between 1870 and 1880 all Sioux were driven into reservations, fenced in and forced to give up everything that had given meaning to their life - their horses, their hunting, their arms, everything. But under the long snows of despair the little spark of our ancient beliefs and pride kept glowing, just barely sometimes, waiting for a warm wind to blow that spark into a flame again." Mary Crow Dog Lakota Woman tells the life story of Mary Crow Dog, a Native American woman who witnessed some of the most relevant events of the Native American movement during the late 60ââ¬â¢s and 70ââ¬â¢s. Crow Dog was born Mary Brave Bird on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota in 1953; she grew up in poverty, without running water or electricity, in a one room shack that she shared with her mother and six siblings. She was born to a Native American woman and a white man; her father disappeared shortly after. Not only did she grow up without a father, but she also grew up as a "half-breed," something that would play a big part in the socialization among her people. Crow Dog left her motherââ¬â¢s home at the age of eleven, her childhood was spent growing up in the streets, drinking and living "like a hobo." Fed up with the school system, Crow Dog left the boarding school on her own terms and began to resist her mother and the white man through learning about her Native American heritage from the older generations; she began to fight for her rights and those of her people along with many other Native Americans. Joining the AIM in 1971, Crow Dog began to lead the life of an activist, she joined marches for Native American rights, attended rallies held for and by various prominent figures in the Native American community. She was also involved in the siege of the Bureau of Indian Affairs building in Washington D.C., where AIM was to meet with government officials to discuss a list of "broken treaties" between Native American and the United Sta...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Maths Report Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Maths Report - Math Problem Example The results also indicated that the smaller engine size cars have a higher MPG as compared to the bigger engine size cars. In conclusion, there is a strong negative linear relationship between a carââ¬â¢s engine size and its MPG and a car with a bigger engine size has the lower MPG as compared to a car with a smaller engine size. We have been provided with the car sales data containing 99 records for car make, model, price (new), price (used), age, engine size and MPG. First, I numbered each row of data as 1, 2, 3, and so on and then I used random sampling method for selecting a sample of 30 cars data using Excel Sampling (DataïÆ' Data AnalysisïÆ' SamplingïÆ' Random) as shown in below screenshot showing only first 15 car number out of 30. For the Hypothesis 1, the type of calculations I performed were mean, median, mode, minimum, maximum and range, so that I know the averages and measures of spread of the carââ¬â¢s engine size and cars MPG. The type of statistical diagrams I made were stem and leaf diagrams, so that I investigate the distributions of cars engine size and cars MPG and scatter graph for investigating the relationship between a carââ¬â¢s engine size and its MPG. For the Hypothesis 2, the type of calculations I performed were mean, median, mode, minimum, maximum and range, and also lower and upper quartiles, so as I know the averages, measures spread and five figure summary of cars MPG for both the smaller and bigger engine size cars. The type of statistical diagrams I made were cumulative frequency diagrams, so that I recalculate lower and upper quartiles and median value of cars MPG for both the smaller and bigger engine size cars, and boxplots for comparing cars MPG for both the smaller and bigger engine size cars. The average engine size of cars is about 1.69L. About half of the carââ¬â¢s engine size is under 1.8L and the most common engine size of cars is 1.8L. The range of the carââ¬â¢s engine size is 2.05L
Friday, October 18, 2019
Individual Annotated Bibliography (IAB) (5 articles) Assignment
Individual Annotated Bibliography (IAB) (5 articles) - Assignment Example The paper is a representation of annotated biography towards conducting serious research on ethical principles. Banerjee, S. B 2008, ââ¬ËCorporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Uglyââ¬â¢, Critical Sociology, Vol. 34 no.1, pp. 51-79. The picture of corporate social responsibility is relative in diverse business environments. This is because CSR handles various activities as well as provide varied regulations with an aim of providing sustainability in corporate citizenship. Consequently, it is relative due to varied social responsibilities and curtailed interests, which can legitimize or motivate the power of larger corporations. In order to bring out the difference, Banerjee came up with an article, which looks at corporate responsibility from diverse angles. This is important in the study of ethical standards for deeper understanding and awareness creation. Banerjee provides a segmented description of corporate discourses that get applied in the process of sa tisfying varied social responsibilities (Banerjee 2008, pp. 52). In as much as diverse interpretation of ethical standards prevails, it is emancipator for serious corporate citizenship as a means of social responsibility. ... This is the same case scenario with 2002 Charles Perrow journal, which described the result of incorporating political, social and economic forces to be a legal revolution. According to Banerjee, social responsibilities require jurisdictions that regulate corporate powers within an institution. This is because reverse of sovereign prerogative leads to a crisis of responsibility forcing unethical business practices. This also includes the period for providing services to the public in a bid to exercise corporate powers. Corporate social responsibility, therefore, plays significant role in identifying and formulating jurisdiction, as well as a mode of operation. This is extremely influential in the study of ethics as it provides relevant information on awareness and detailed research (Banerjee 2008, pp. 60). The journal, in addition, provides defined relationship to corporate social responsibilities with respect to stakeholders and sustainability. This is to ensure no confusion existen ce in conducting research. It also equips learner with the basic knowledge required for the study of ethical principles. For instance, the journal provides the definition of corporate social ethics according to the world business council (Banerjee 2008, pp. 62). This is crucial for research as it gives the link between various stakeholders including the local community, employees and the society. From this perspective, it is a commitment towards ensuring a communal working environment. This is different from the Australian standards association, which associates corporate social responsibility to compliance with set rules and regulations. In this instance, the journal plays a significant role in providing an all round definition of
Habituation in Spirostomum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Habituation in Spirostomum - Essay Example The unicellular organisms, Spirostomum also undergo changes on habituation. Spirostomum are ciliated protozoa and habituation helps in studying behavioral changes in these parallel to habituation. But it is viewed as a process to filter out iterative stimuli with no significant changes. And the easiest way to judge the changes is that as habituation is a homeostatic process it optimizes the Spirostomum's likelihood of judging the importance of the stimulus in a new iterative series or a change in it. The method to detect the low or high responsiveness to the stimuli is that if we take the initial responsiveness as organism's threshold prior to stimulus occurrence then if it has high initial response it is said to have lower threshold and if low initial response visa versa. In Spirostomum the time course of contraction is very rapid with 4 to 5 mS as the cells contract at a rate in excess of 100 cell lengths sec-1. And as the stimulus strength duration judges the threshold response, Spirostomum is said to have full or no contraction at all. The changes in resting membrane potential do not cause initial contractions while microinjection of calcium buffers induce contractions. The Spirostomum are habituated to a mechanical shock and cause brief contractions. And as the stimulation is repeated the number of contractions decreases. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein have also been found to increase during habituation as per the foundations of Applewhite, Gardner and Lapan. As the RNA and protein increases occur after a few consecutive stimulations RNA and protein inhibitors can also be used in combination. Though large amounts of RNA and proteins are not needed for habituation in protozoan Spirostomum. For the process of habituation firstly place the individuals on the slide. Tap the slide with mechanical stimulus every four seconds. You'll notice a change in Spirostomum behavior after 12 to 20 stimuli. The calculation of the percentage of the protozoa contracting can be done by counting from photographs taken during the process. Various studies have shown that Spirostomum can remember for ten minutes maximum. The term behavior is used to extend the original meaning to the concept of primary internal processes and changes occurred due to habituation in single cellular organisms. It includes their iterative external stimulation, their initial threshold to the initial stimulus and the behavioral changes in them. The shorter life span of habituation in Spirostomum also suggests that synthesis of macromolecules may not be necessary. Therefore, the adaptive significance of habituation in Spirostomum as viewed across the science of phylogeny. Sources / References: 1) Smith. James, Eisenstein. E.M., Eisenstein. D. Research & Development. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles, CA. The Evolutionary Significance of Habituation and Sensitization Across Phylogeny: A Behavioral Homeostasis Model. 2) The Department of Zoology. University of Hul. Hawkins. R.B. 3) Journal. 4) Applewhite and Gardner (1968). Applewhite, Gardner and Lapan(1969) 5) 6) 7) Protein and RNA Inhibitors and Protozoan Habituation. Gardener. Frank.T, Applewhite.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Interrelationship between Leadership and Organizational Commitment Literature review - 1
Interrelationship between Leadership and Organizational Commitment - Literature review Example Leadership is an ability to persuade any group towards the attainment of goals. In the year 1964, Tannenbaum and others have considered leadership as an influential factor in human relations. Leadership is an attribute guiding a group of people to achieve preset goals through communication. According to Fiedler, leadership can be assumed to be a type of relationship to make the group members work together and achieve common goal. Rauch and Behling in 1984 and Hsieh in the year 1993 considered leadership as a process to influence any group to approach the goals. Since twentieth century, a number of theories and literature had been introduced to prove different standpoints. Four major perspectives had been shown through these theories. Some of the theories are articulated in the later segment (Wu et. al., 2006, p.438- 440). In 1957, Halpin and Winer had introduced two dimensions, initiating consideration and structure. Following the same, a number of studies conducted by Stogdill, Like rt and Kotter also introduced certain behavioral attributes of leadership. In the year 1967, Fiedler has introduced the contingency model of leadership. In the year 1971, House came up with a path-goal theory by extracting details from the research carried out by Ohio State University as well as the expectancy theory of motivation. In the year 1977, Blackchard and Hersey introduced situational leadership theory considering two leadership sides. On the other hand, transformational leaders possess significant personal.
Answering economics questions Explain why each of the following Essay
Answering economics questions Explain why each of the following statements is false. For each write the correct statement - Essay Example Thus, competitive profits are only those which are excess profits after the total costs are covered. Q7) Banana computer company has fixed costs of production of $100,000, while each unit costs $600 of labour and $400 of materials and fuel. At the price of $3000, each $10 reduction in price, banana computers increases 1000 units, calculate the marginal cost and marginal revenue for banana computers and determine is monopoly price and quantity. Q9) Explain the error in the following statement: "A firm out to maximize its profit will always charge the highest price that the traffic will bear". State the correct result, and use the concept of marginal revenue to explain the difference between the correct and the erroneous statements. It should be noted that the aim of the monopolist is not to maximize profit and not maximize the price. Monopolists can only do this by identifying the price level which yields the highest profits. This occurs at MC = MR which is not often the highest price that a monopolist can charge. Charging an overly high price reduces the quantity demanded and will increase the marginal cost resulting into a shrink in profit. Q1) Review collusive oligopoly and monopolistic competition, which are two theories of imperfect competition discussed in this chapter. Draw up a table that compares perfect competition, monopoly, and the two theories with respect to the following characteristics: (a) number of firms; (b) extent of collusion; (c) price vs marginal cost; (d) price vs. long run average cost; (e) efficiency. Factors Monopolistic competition Collusive Oligopoly Number of Firms Large number of sellers Few large producers Extent of Collusion No collusion Control over price but mutual interdependence Price vs. Marginal Cost Price increase will lead to a substantial decrease in demand, thus, higher MC Price increase wi
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Interrelationship between Leadership and Organizational Commitment Literature review - 1
Interrelationship between Leadership and Organizational Commitment - Literature review Example Leadership is an ability to persuade any group towards the attainment of goals. In the year 1964, Tannenbaum and others have considered leadership as an influential factor in human relations. Leadership is an attribute guiding a group of people to achieve preset goals through communication. According to Fiedler, leadership can be assumed to be a type of relationship to make the group members work together and achieve common goal. Rauch and Behling in 1984 and Hsieh in the year 1993 considered leadership as a process to influence any group to approach the goals. Since twentieth century, a number of theories and literature had been introduced to prove different standpoints. Four major perspectives had been shown through these theories. Some of the theories are articulated in the later segment (Wu et. al., 2006, p.438- 440). In 1957, Halpin and Winer had introduced two dimensions, initiating consideration and structure. Following the same, a number of studies conducted by Stogdill, Like rt and Kotter also introduced certain behavioral attributes of leadership. In the year 1967, Fiedler has introduced the contingency model of leadership. In the year 1971, House came up with a path-goal theory by extracting details from the research carried out by Ohio State University as well as the expectancy theory of motivation. In the year 1977, Blackchard and Hersey introduced situational leadership theory considering two leadership sides. On the other hand, transformational leaders possess significant personal.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 15
Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example However, in his current state of protection and subsidy, his son sees no sense of money and therefore seems to have no tolerance for this kind of protection and its associated benefits. Far above, this writing seems to be an elementary textbook on global fiscal and governance issues from the viewpoints of international south community as well as the Westââ¬â¢s double standards actions in their dealings and proposals for open trade and free market. Chang looks into perspective the operations of global international institutions like the World Bank and World Trade Organization and their inconsistency and partiality when it comes to dealing with the Southern communities through regulations and unfair conditions, which in his opinion he feels the Northern communities never use in championing their routes for economic prosperity. He uses a variety of examples and narration derived from international trade to bring forth a convincing and straight to the point argument calling for sincerity in global trade while at the same time pin pointing in what he believes are the wrongful things being meted in the process of trade liberation and economic development especially towards developing nations. His assertions are that developed countries argue that free trade in developing countries is essential and therefore industries in developing countries need to be exposed to competition in order for them to survive, and that protection offered to infant industries in developing countries is not desirable. Suggesting that the issue of economic development seems to be a subject of liberalization and pure free trade True to the point, Chang clearly illustrates that this situation is misleading. He rhetorically points out that the concept of ââ¬Å"infant industriesâ⬠is a creation of the developed nations, and singles out Alexander Hamilton who is one of the early crusaders of the
The Benefits and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Essay Example for Free
The Benefits and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Essay Many people enjoy the convenience of shopping online. You can buy everything you need without having to leave the comfort of home. Most grocery and retail stores have created Web sites that feature their products for sale. But when is online shopping a good deal, and when should it be avoided? Here are some of the benefits of online shopping: Parents of small children may find online shopping appealing. The kids can feel free to run around the house and create havoc without the worry of annoying fellow customers. Even if your children are well behaved it can still be time consuming getting everyone ready to go to the store. Keeping children out of the store, and even your spouse, in some cases may prove to be money saving as well. You wont have everyone begging you to buy extra grocery items not on your list. Online shopping can sometimes fetch you a great buy. Some stores will advertise specials which can only be obtained by shopping online. For more expensive items like electronics you can typically expect to find online discounts of $50 or more compared to the price in store. Sometimes you may be able to find coupon codes which can be used atà an online store to get a percent off the total amount of purchase. You can shop online on your own time. Most stores are not open 24 hours a day/7 days a week, meaning that if you want to shop in their stores, you will have to shop within a limited time frame. However if you decide to skip the visit to the store and shop online you can shop any time of day that you wish. Another benefit of online shopping applies to gifts for people out of state. You can buy gifts online and have them shipped straight to the recipient. By doing this you save the headache of having to wrap, pack, and ship the gifts out yourself. In some cases, stores will wrap the gift for you as well as include a special message. Sometimes stores will advertise free shipping offers which would make buying gifts online for out of state families and friends even more beneficial. Taking advantage of these offers means that you wont have to pay to have the item shipped. By avoiding shipping the item yourself, and taking advantage of free shipping offers, you can save money on the purchase of packing supplies. Shopping onlin e makes it easier to find unique and one of a kind gifts that you will not find in your local department stores. There are many online store websites dedicated to that special item you are looking for. Websites such as Ebay allow you to bid for or purchase products that are hard to find. Sites like Ebay can also help you to find great deals. Ebay users can bid on items of interest or use the buy it now option. By bidding on items on sites like Ebay you may be able to purchase your desired item at a discounted price. Some sellers on Ebay will even combine shipping or offer free shipping of your products, saving you even more. You may be able to purchase items online that are not available or are sold out in stores. If a product you want is not stocked on the store shelves, there is a chance that you will be able to purchase it online. Now that you know of the many benefits of online shopping, we will discuss the disadvantages of online shopping: Buying groceries online may save you time, but it can prove costly. By shopping online you can miss out on great deals that can be obtained with coupons . Grocery stores that allow you to order online will typically charge you a pick up or delivery fee for shopping online as well. You may also find that you have to spend a minimum amount of money in order to have your groceries delivered. One online grocery store that I know of will not deliver unless you order at $150 worth of groceries. Another disadvantage of online grocery shopping is that youà will be unable to pick out the produce or meat products yourself, which can lead to disappointment. Shopping online can also add on extra cost to your product by having to pay for shipping. If you are buying a product for yourself or as a gift to local friends and family, it may prove to be wiser to make the purchase in store instead to avoid extra cost. When shopping online you have to wait to receive your products, whereas shopping in store means you can get your product right away. If the product is an item you are dying to have and cannot be found online for a significantly cheaper pri ce, then you may want to make your purchase in store instead. You wont be able to compare products in person. Sure many online store websites have a feature which allows customer to rate products which may prove to be helpful. However what works for one person doesnt necessarily work for another. Some people who fill out online reviews for products can be deceitful as well to trick customers into purchasing or not purchasing a product. When it comes to comparing products, such as cameras and televisions, its always best to make comparisons in the store. If the store is running a good deal then you can make your purchase in store since you are already there. Returning or exchanging items bought online can be more difficult than making a return or exchange of products youve purchased in a store. Some stores will allow you to make returns and exchanges of products youve bought online through their website, though others may not. Stores that only do business online will require you to repack and ship the item back to them to receive a refund or exchange. Some online stores may not reimburse you the cost of shipping meaning you will have to spend money out of your own pocket just to make the return. Always read the return policies of the online stores website to know what to expect. When shopping online for a product you should do a price comparison between several online stores to find the best deal. Always make sure to print out a copy of your receipt and/or write down the confirmation number for your purchase. You can also keep a copy of your e-mail receipt for a quick reference. Always read an online stores shipping and return policies to better understand how they work. Search online for codes which can save you money on shipping, fetch you free gifts with purchase, or can discount the price of a product. Always be careful when sharing your credit card information online. Secure websites should display a lock symbol at the bottom of the page. Do any research thatà you can for online stores that are not well known. Shopping online can either cost you extra money or save you money. Make sure to do your homework when considering shopping online to find the best deals.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Chimney Sweeper | Analysis
The Chimney Sweeper | Analysis William Blake was a famous writer of the Romantic Age which took place in 1832. William Blake wrote two poems called The Chimney Sweeper. The first poem had to do with innocence. The second Chimney Sweeper poem by William Blake had to do with experience. Even though both poems have the same title doesnt necessarily mean that theyre the same. They have a few things in common, but also have a plethora of items that are different. In both poems called The Chimney Sweeper, they share similarities and differences between narration, rhyme scheme, tone, and theme. Blake also shows how both poems are influenced Romantically, he gives the reader a visual and represents many symbols that are used in todays society. As far as rhyme scheme, they both have words that rhyme at the end of each line and stanza. The boy says When my mother dies I was very young, and my father sold me while yet my tongue. (lines 1-2 p. 85) In songs of experience, Blake writes A little black thing among the snow Crying weep, weep, in notes of woe! (lines 1-2 p90) Both poems are also expressed romantically in a few ways. In the Romantic days, writers felt there was a new literature being birthed. The poetry had to do a lot with humanity and nature. Poets tended toward emotion and child like perspective. Poets also showed much regard for the natural scenes and used words like child, imagination, and nature because they thought they were popular. (Mellown p. 1) In Songs of Innocence the young boy tells his story. The boy is about six or seven years old. Much of the imaginative power of the poem comes from the tension between the childs naivetà © and the subtlety of Blakes own vision. (Mellown p.1) In the first stanza, he talks about his way of life. He talks about how his mother dies. He was sold as an apprentice by his father. His present life revolves around working, calling through the streets for more work, and at the end of the day sleeping on soot, a realistic detail since the boys did indeed make their beds on bags of soot they had swept from the chimneys. (Mellown p.1) The second stanza introduces a young boy named Tom Dacre, who comes to join the workers and is initiated into his new life by a haircut. Tom cries as he gets his hair cut off, but the speaker makes him feel better by saying Hush, Tom! Never mind it, for when your heads bare, you know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair (lines 6-7 p. 85). What that means is all of the dirt from sweeping chimneys wont get in his hair. Tom takes the advice and goes to sleep happily. (Mellown p. 2) The next three stanzas give the substance of the dream. Tom dreams that thousands of sweepers locked in coffins are released by an angel. Suddenly, they find themselves in a pastoral landscape where, freed from their burdens, they bathe in a river and then rise up to the clouds. There, the angel tells Tom, if hed be a good boy, / Hed have God for his father never want joy. The dream is an obvious instance of wish fulfillment, and its pathos rests on the fat that while it reveals the childs longing to escape, the opening and closing of the poem make it clear that his only ways of escape are dreams and death. (Mellown p. 2) What this means for Tom is that maybe when he is dreaming he can escape what he goes thorough in life and just be happy. The last quatrain opens with a brutal contrast. Having dreamed of playing in the sun, Tom awakes, and the sweepers begin their days work, a day to be spent in the total darkness of the cramped chimneys. Yet, restored by his dream, Tom is happy, and the poem ends with the pious moral, akin to the angels speech, So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. (Mellown p. 2) So he goes through the rest of his life knowing that heaven was in his future as long as he was good. In The Chimney Sweeper, songs of experience, Blake talks about some of the things a little black boy goes through. Using the same rhyme scheme as songs of innocence he says A little black thing among the snow crying weep, weep in notes of woe! Where are thy father and mother? Say? They are both gone up to the church to pray. (lines 1-4 p. 90) In the next stanza Blake describes how his parents are at church praying for him because he is so happy on the outside but not showing his true pain. He sings and dances because he is happy and his parents think that everything is ok and no damage has been done. He says And are gone to praise God and his Priest and King, who make up a heaven of our misery. (lines 11-12 p.90) Blake could have possibly used a bit of sarcasm in songs of experience. In songs of innocence some themes and symbols were the bags, abandoned in the dream and picked up again with the brushes the next morning. This says that the terrible burden of the childs life, which is the good indicates the corruption of a society that uses and abuses him. The coffins are like a symbol of death. They represent the chimneys that he sweeps and the actual death to which he will soon come. In contrast, the sun, river, and plain express the joys that should be natural to childhood, which is also a symbol of the way nature is appreciated in the romantic age. Yet, even symbols associated with happiness intensify the harsh facts of existence. The bright key recalls imprisonment; the harmony of the leaping boys emphasizes their isolation in the chimneys; and the lamb, whose curling fleece Toms hair resembles, is often, as is the sweeper, a helpless victim. (Mellown p. 2)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Plastic Pink Flamingo :: Literary Analysis, Jennifer Price
Since the 1930's, plastic pink flamingos have been a trendy statement piece at hotels and in yards across the country. Jennifer Price, the author of "The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History", uses tone, satire, and diction to show her view on United States culture. Price's view is that United States culture is flashy, cocky, and that Americans tend to try and stand out to get attention. "The pink flamingo splashed into the fifties market, it staked" (Price lines 1-2). Plastic flamingos are unable to splash like real flamingos, therefore Price is demonstrating satire. Also, the plastic flamingos are staked into the ground. "Americans had been flocking to Florida" (Price line 4) is humorous because the Americans flocking to the southern east coast like flamingos. The plastic pink flamingo became "synonymous with wealth and pizzazz"(Price line7-8). After the Great depression and the war, Americans had a lot of pride for their country, and this was one way of showing it. "This was a little ironic, since Americans had hunted flamingos to extinction in Florida" (Price lines 13-14). Price may be putting down American because Americans tend to follow the crowd and copy what everyone else is doing. The flamingo could be a metaphor of how Americans are followers and do not come up with their own ideas. The plastic pink flamingo gave an "extra fillip of boldness" (Price line 20). The flamingo was a way for Americans to stand out in the crowd and be noticed. Americans were flashy, cocky, and maybe even a little bit conceited. "And the Flamingo was pink- a second and commensurate claim to boldness" (Price lines 30-31). American culture is very flashy and bold. By being bold and flashy, it makes Americans stand out from the crowd and be noticed. Pink was the thing to have, it showed wealth and status. "The hues were forward-looking rather than old-fashioned" (Price lines 36-37). The pink flamingos were a way for the Americans to show pride after World War II. The plastic flamingos were the Americans' way of coming back out after the Depression and the war. They are the symbol that marks the beginning of a new era. "Even a real flamingo is brighter that anything else around it" (Price lines 48-49). The Americans wanted to be recognized after the war and show their pride for their country. The flamingo was a symbol of status and power.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Management :: essays research papers
Level of planning paper In 2000, the Primeco Wireless submerged, and emerged as Verizon Wireless; the need for speed was gaining momentum. Verizon Wireless Online DSL, digital subscriberââ¬â¢s line, is the number one telecommunication industry appearing in the FORTUNE Magazine; it has listed as the most Admired Company. Hay Group Fortune Magazine. The founder of Verizon Company is Darby Checketts; he was a man with a vision. This fast speed company under the CEO, Chairman, leadership of Ivan Seidenberg, has grown into an internet king. There are over 208,000 employees at the Verizon Online DSL Wireless Company, with an upward of $13 billion dollars a year in technology, it has 2.7 million shareowners and services billions of customers in communities all over America and the World. At least a 100 million people are connected by Verizon network everyday, whether at home, at work or on the go. Women Warriors has discovered in their research the highlights, accomplishments, and opportunities of Verizon to improve their customers lives in six areas that make up Verizon approach to corporate responsibility: à à à à à à à à à à Ethic and Governance à à à à à à à à à à Service and Innovation à à à à à à à à à à Empowering Employees à à à à à à à à à à Promoting Communityââ¬â¢s Growth à à à à à à à à à à Protecting the Environment à à à à à à à à à à Partnering with Communities Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths and weaknesses are essentially internal to the organization and relate to matters concerning resources, programs, and organization in key areas. Strengths & Weaknesses are internal to the business and Opportunities & Threats are external. Verizon Communications Inc is one of the world's leading providers of communications services. With a diverse work force of more than 208,000, Verizon has four business units. Domestic Telecom serves customers based in 29 states with wireline telecommunications services, including broadband, nationwide long-distance and other services. Verizon Wireless owns and operates the nation's most reliable wireless network, serving 42.1 million voice and data customers across the United States. Information Services operates directory-publishing businesses and provides electronic commerce services. International includes wire line and wireless operations and investments, primarily in the Americas and Europe. Strategic Planning Process Strategy is define as the continuous, iterative planning process, which focuses on Keeping an organization competitive in its environment (Miller & Dess, 1997). Strategic planning is complex, laborious, and time consuming. Accordingly, an organization must allocate resources and time to the strategic planning process. ( Strengths Verizon strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be use as a basis for a competitive advantage. Verizon business strategy is to archive a sustainable competitive advantage such as. Cost advantage Differentiation advantage Verizon is able to deliver the same benefits as the other communication companies, but a lower cost, (cost advantage) or deliver benefits that exceed the competing products (differentiation advantage). Management :: essays research papers Level of planning paper In 2000, the Primeco Wireless submerged, and emerged as Verizon Wireless; the need for speed was gaining momentum. Verizon Wireless Online DSL, digital subscriberââ¬â¢s line, is the number one telecommunication industry appearing in the FORTUNE Magazine; it has listed as the most Admired Company. Hay Group Fortune Magazine. The founder of Verizon Company is Darby Checketts; he was a man with a vision. This fast speed company under the CEO, Chairman, leadership of Ivan Seidenberg, has grown into an internet king. There are over 208,000 employees at the Verizon Online DSL Wireless Company, with an upward of $13 billion dollars a year in technology, it has 2.7 million shareowners and services billions of customers in communities all over America and the World. At least a 100 million people are connected by Verizon network everyday, whether at home, at work or on the go. Women Warriors has discovered in their research the highlights, accomplishments, and opportunities of Verizon to improve their customers lives in six areas that make up Verizon approach to corporate responsibility: à à à à à à à à à à Ethic and Governance à à à à à à à à à à Service and Innovation à à à à à à à à à à Empowering Employees à à à à à à à à à à Promoting Communityââ¬â¢s Growth à à à à à à à à à à Protecting the Environment à à à à à à à à à à Partnering with Communities Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths and weaknesses are essentially internal to the organization and relate to matters concerning resources, programs, and organization in key areas. Strengths & Weaknesses are internal to the business and Opportunities & Threats are external. Verizon Communications Inc is one of the world's leading providers of communications services. With a diverse work force of more than 208,000, Verizon has four business units. Domestic Telecom serves customers based in 29 states with wireline telecommunications services, including broadband, nationwide long-distance and other services. Verizon Wireless owns and operates the nation's most reliable wireless network, serving 42.1 million voice and data customers across the United States. Information Services operates directory-publishing businesses and provides electronic commerce services. International includes wire line and wireless operations and investments, primarily in the Americas and Europe. Strategic Planning Process Strategy is define as the continuous, iterative planning process, which focuses on Keeping an organization competitive in its environment (Miller & Dess, 1997). Strategic planning is complex, laborious, and time consuming. Accordingly, an organization must allocate resources and time to the strategic planning process. ( Strengths Verizon strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be use as a basis for a competitive advantage. Verizon business strategy is to archive a sustainable competitive advantage such as. Cost advantage Differentiation advantage Verizon is able to deliver the same benefits as the other communication companies, but a lower cost, (cost advantage) or deliver benefits that exceed the competing products (differentiation advantage).
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Problem with Exotic Pets in America
Abstract Many Americans love to have exotic pets, not thinking of the consequences of ownership. Right now there is a widespread problem in America: In places such as Florida, numerous types of exotic pets are becoming an invasive species as a result of being released back into the wild. The Problem with Exotic Pets in America.Exotic pets have always been a concern to a variety of people: health care officials who treat bites from these animals, insurance companies who have to cover businesses that employ performers who have live exotic animals In their acts (such s ââ¬ËSiegfried and Ron and customs agents who Inspect cargo ships for Illegal animals Just to name a few. The problem however, has taken a turn for the worse recently as a result of several things which have occurred not Just in the past year, but also In the past decade. Exotic animals are becoming a problem In the US and a hazard to people, pets, and livestock.Some background Information will now be provided. Almost e veryone above the age of 20 remembers what happened to Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy when Monterey, the tiger Roy was working with, bit him on the neck and dragged him away. This brought Into focus the warning about -you can take the animal out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the animal. â⬠As reported by Miguel Marquee (2003) to CNN, Roy horn was critically injured as a result of the attack and audience members Initially thought It was part of the act until they heard Rosy scream behind the curtain.Some say this act alone brought an end to performers using live animals, not just exotic animals, in their acts. According to the National Invasive Species Center's website (n. D. ). , one form of exotic pet that became an invasive species is the Northern Snaked. This species of fish, originally from mainland China, was brought to the US as an Import and was sold mostly in Asian fish markets as food but also in some pet shops as an exotic pet. When it was discovered in a lake in Maryland in 2002 and in other places such as the Potomac River, it was outlawed and labeled an invasive species.This was mostly due to Its rapid reproduction rate and high level of aggressiveness. Because It had no known natural predators, It soon became the apex predator In the waters where It lived and devoured the local indigenous fish. Like the Asian Carp, Northern Skinheads continue to be a problem on the east coast, but unlike the Asian Carp, their numbers are decreasing through the efforts of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.For purposes to this essay, the impact the Burmese Python NAS and on southern Florida will be used to demonstrate the problem with exotic pets. On October 27, 2011, a 16 foot Burmese Python was captured by South Florida Water Management workers in the Everglades National Park. This snake was credited with being ââ¬Å"one of the largest ever found in southern Floridaâ⬠and after killing the Python wit h a hooting, a 76 pound adult deer was discovered inside (Douglas, B. 2011). Considering the size of the deer this particular snake was able to eat, one needs to ask the question of what could have happened if this snake had been captured in an inhabited rural area. Considering the size of the snake and its diet, it would no doubt seek out easy prey such as pets or even small children. Sadly, this is not the first time a large snake such as a Python was captured in the wilds of Florida and the problem is not exclusive to Just snakes.Although snakes form the predominant indigenous return being caught, Florida is also plagued with the Nile Monitor Lizard and several aggressive species of iguanas such as the spiny-tailed iguana and the green iguana (National Biological Information Infrastructure, n. D. ). In an article written by Seal and Carmela (2009), Florida instituted a program called the ââ¬ËPython Patrol,' in which members of the Park Ranger Service and several other agencies actively look for creatures such as Pythons and other invasive species.The article describes some of the duties and responsibilities of the ââ¬ËPython Patrol' and also discusses some of the problems they face and their concerns. An example of one of the things the ââ¬ËPython Patrol' looks for in the Everglades are nests and states that the everglades are a perfect habitat for the Burmese Python. They also cite in one instance how the largest cache of eggs found was 83 eggs. Another problem they cite in the article is that in the everglades, the snakes are able to grow at an accelerated rate due to the abundance of food.One thing to note about the Burmese Python is that it can reach up to 20 feet in length and weigh as much as 200 pounds when fully grown. This fact makes it an extremely dangerous predator. The one key thing that links all of the previously discussed information together is that these animals all started off as exotic pets. The problem is more prevalent in Flor ida then in other areas as most of these animals were released by their owners back into the wild rather than being given to a zoo or other appropriate agency for safekeeping and care.In 1992, according to an article written by B. Coronet (2009), Hurricane Andrew destroyed several pet shops containing numerous snakes and other exotic pets. In the aftermath of the storm, many of these snakes escaped into the countryside and have been breeding for 19 ears (an interesting side note to this article is the picture on the website where the article is located showing a Burmese Python in a struggle with an American Alligator). However, for every snake caught how many more remain unaccounted for in the wild and how large have they grown?When one considers that a Python is a stealthy ambush predator, trying to take a census of the Burmese Python population is practically impossible and rather silly: In the wild, the Python's skin coloration and pattern make it virtually invisible to the naked eye. In closing, the capture and eradication of the Burmese Python may never truly be accomplished. As man expands and encroaches upon what little wilderness remains, there are bound to be encounters and clashes with wildlife. The Burmese Python is no exception: it NAS been captured on roads in Florida towns near marshes, under brush piles in backyards, and in several homes.When one does appear in a Florida neighborhood, local authorities are notified and a specially trained crew is sent to retrieve the animal. This would appear as only a stop-gap measure at best: Currently, attempts to control the spread of the Python have met with somewhat positive results, but as previously stated, the more man encroaches on nature the more request these encounters will occur. The best we can hope for is that these encounters do not result in violence or the death off child.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Foundation and Empire 23. The Ruins Of Trantor
The location of an objective upon the great world of Trantor presents a problem unique in the Galaxy. There are no continents or oceans to locate from a thousand miles distance. There are no rivers, lakes, and islands to catch sight of through the cloud rifts. The metal-covered world was ââ¬â had been ââ¬â one colossal city, and only the old Imperial palace could be identified readily from outer space by a stranger. The Bayta circled the world at almost air-car height in repeated painful search. From polar regions, where the icy coating of the metal spires were somber evidence of the breakdown or neglect of the weather-conditioning machinery, they worked southwards. Occasionally they could experiment with the correlations -(or presumable correlations)- between what they saw and what the inadequate map obtained at Neotrantor showed. But it was unmistakable when it came. The gap in the metal coat of the planet was fifty miles. The unusual greenery spread over hundreds of square miles, inclosing the mighty grace of the ancient Imperial residences. The Bayta hovered and slowly oriented itself. There were only the huge supercauseways to guide them. Long straight arrows on the map, smooth, gleaming ribbons there below them. What the map indicated to be the University area was reached by dead reckoning, and upon the flat area of what once must have been a busy landing-field, the ship lowered itself. It was only as they submerged into the welter of metal that the smooth beauty apparent from the air dissolved into the broken, twisted near-wreckage that had been left in the wake of the Sack. Spires were truncated, smooth walls gouted and twisted, and just for an instant there was the glimpse of a shaven area of earth ââ¬â perhaps several hundred acres in extent ââ¬â dark and plowed. Lee Senter waited as the ship settled downward cautiously. It was a strange ship, not from Neotrantor, and inwardly he sighed. Strange ships and confused dealings with the men of outer space could mean the end of the short days of peace, a return to the old grandiose times of death and battle. Senter was leader of the group; the old books were in his charge and he had read of those old days. He did not want them. Perhaps ten minutes spent themselves as the strange ship came down to nestle upon the flatness, but long memories telescoped themselves in that time. There was first the great farm of his childhood ââ¬â that remained in his mind merely as busy crowds of people. Then there was the trek of the young families to new lands. He was ten, then; an only child, puzzled, and frightened. Then the new buildings; the great metal slabs to be uprooted and tom aside; the exposed soil to be turned, and freshened, and invigorated; neighboring buildings to be tom down and leveled; others to be transformed to living quarters. There were crops to be grown and harvested; peaceful relations with neighboring farms to be established- There was growth and expansion, and the quiet efficiency of self-rule. There was the coming of a new generation of hard, little youngsters born to the soil. There was the great day when he was chosen leader of the Group and for the first time since his eighteenth birthday he did not shave and saw the first stubble of his Leader's Beard appear. And now the Galaxy might intrude and put an end to the brief idyll of isolation- The ship landed. He watched wordlessly as the port opened. Four emerged, cautious and watchful. There were three men, varied, old, young, thin and beaked. And a woman striding among them like an equal. His hand left the two glassy black tufts of his beard as he stepped forward. He gave the universal gesture of peace. Both hands were before him; hard, calloused palms upward. The young man approached two steps and duplicated the gesture. ââ¬Å"I come in peace.â⬠The accent was strange, but the words were understandable, and welcome. He replied, deeply, ââ¬Å"In peace be it. You are welcome to the hospitality of the Group. Are you hungry? You shall eat. Are you thirsty? You shall drink.â⬠Slowly, the reply came, ââ¬Å"We thank you for your kindness, and shall bear good report of your Group when we return to our world.â⬠A queer answer, but good. Behind him, the men of the Group were smiling, and from the recesses of the surrounding structures, the women emerged. In his own quarters, he removed the locked, mirror-walled box from its hidden place, and offered each of the guests the long, plump cigars that were reserved for great occasions. Before the woman, he hesitated. She had taken a seat among the men. The strangers evidently allowed, even expected, such effrontery. Stiffly, he offered the box. She accepted one with a smile, and drew in its aromatic smoke, with all the relish one could expect. Lee Senter repressed a scandalized emotion. The stiff conversation, in advance of the meal, touched politely upon the subject of fanning on Trantor. It was the old man who asked, ââ¬Å"What about hydroponics? Surely, for such a world as Trantor, hydroponics would be the answer.â⬠Senter shook his head slowly. He felt uncertain. His knowledge was the unfamiliar matter of the books he had read, ââ¬Å"Artificial fanning in chemicals, I think? No, not on Trantor. This hydroponics requires a world of industy ââ¬â for instance, a great chemical industry. And in war or disaster, when industry breaks down, the people starve. Nor can all foods be grown artificially. Some lose their food value. The soil is cheaper, still better ââ¬â always more dependable.â⬠ââ¬Å"And your food supply is sufficient?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sufficient; perhaps monotonous. We have fowl that supply eggs, and milk-yielders for our dairy products ââ¬â but our meat supply rests upon our foreign trade.â⬠ââ¬Å"Trade.â⬠The young man seemed roused to sudden interest. ââ¬Å"You trade then. But what do you export?â⬠ââ¬Å"Metal,â⬠was the curt answer. ââ¬Å"Look for yourself. We have an infinite supply, ready processed. They come from Neotrantor with ships, demolish an indicated area-increasing our growing space ââ¬â and leave us in exchange meat, canned fruit, food concentrates, farm machinery and so on. They carry off the metal and both sides profit.â⬠They feasted on bread and cheese, and a vegetable stew that was unreservedly delicious. It was over the dessert of frosted fruit, the only imported item on the menu, that, for the first time, the Outlanders became other than mere guests. The young man produced a map of Trantor. Calmly, Lee Senter studied it. He listened ââ¬â and said gravely, ââ¬Å"The University Grounds are a static area. We farmers do not grow crops on it. We do not, by preference, even enter it. It is one of our few relics of another time we would keep undisturbed. ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"We are seekers after knowledge. We would disturb nothing. Our ship would be our hostage.â⬠The old man offered this ââ¬â eagerly, feverishly. ââ¬Å"I can take you there then,â⬠said Senter. That night the strangers slept, and that night Lee Senter sent a message to Neotrantor.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Observe, Analyze and Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Observe, Analyze and Report - Term Paper Example Do boys relatively show more risky behavior in shopping malls? Are girls more conservative and do they wander about the mall away from their parents? What kinds of activities do boys and girls do while their parents are shopping? One finally established the observation question as ââ¬ËDo differences in gender affect the way children behave in shopping malls?ââ¬â¢ The Observation One made the initial observation on a Saturday afternoon at about 4:00 p.m. There were lots of people shopping in the grocery area and there was a small space where one could sit and view different people while observing. One noted that shopping was an activity done more by women than men. From oneââ¬â¢s observation, the composition of women at that time was roughly 80% of the shoppers, as compared to men. Of the 80% women who were shopping, about 30% brought their children along. Children who came with their parents (or mothers, most especially) ranged from different ages: the youngest one saw was j ust about five to seven years of age and the eldest were teen-agers. Further, one likewise noted that women were most likely to bring along a companion, other than their children. Some women came with their husbands; while the others took their friends or relatives along. The relatives could possibly be a sister or even their mothers. The next thing one noted was the general attire of the people who shopped. Mostly, the shoppers were donning casual clothes, with ladies wearing shirts of light materials and paired with shorts, pants or skirts. For men, most were wearing T-shirts and light jackets paired with shorts or pants. Children wore more diverse clothes in texture, colors and materials. Most young girls were wearing dainty and colorful shirts paired with shorts or pants; while boys were generally in T-shirts and shorts. The footwear was more varied for little girls. Some wore sandals, rubber shoes in pastel colors, walking shoes and canvas. Boys shoes were predominantly trainer s, canvas and rubber shoes. Observing the activities therefore eventually focused on oneââ¬â¢s target group: the children. One observed that parents who shopped usually took with them one or two kids and one was particularly interested in noting any diversity with the way children behave in shopping malls, depending on gender. With both parents around, it could be noted that the childrenââ¬â¢s behavior were more controlled as they walked closely beside their parents. On the other hand, one detected that young boys were more curious and explorative that they tend to veer farther from their mothers. There were young boys aged between 8 to 10 years old who were running into people's trolleys and playing hide and seek. One particular boy likes to run into a different aisle or walk a different way and then meet his mother further up in front. The only problem with that is the tendency to miscalculate the direction and thereby, eventually end up somewhere else. There were instances when shopping clerks found young children lost and were announced in the shopping mallââ¬â¢s customer information center to be picked up by their parents. The difference between very young boys and girls being lost is that: boys shout out for either their mom or dad; while girls were found crying. Likewise, one noticed that young boys and girls were most fascinated by the floor patterns and tiles that they found these
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Effect of interest rate and inflation rate on the islamic shares Dissertation
Effect of interest rate and inflation rate on the islamic shares listed in the united arab emirates - Dissertation Example The Shariah Principles, which dates back to almost fourteen hundred years ago, has put forward certain immaculate methodologies and customs pertaining to establishment of a financial system. These principles and ideologies can be applied even in the dynamic and robust global economic scenario of the twenty first century without any downside. The Islamic financial system strongly condemns the inclusion of interest in the transactions between the borrowers and the lenders and has labeled any such transaction as repugnant to the principles of Shariah or ââ¬ËHaramââ¬â¢. Following the same principles, not only such transactions are unlawful according to the principles of Islam, but investing in any of such companies and earning return form such are also unlawful. With the passage of time, the development of the Islamic financial institution started taking place at a rapid pace. The trend was not only confined to the Middle Eastern and Far East Asian countries, but the effects were f ar stretched to the European and the North American countries as well. The supporters of the conventional economic system soon realized that the rationale behind the Islamic financial structure and the concepts of an Islamic financial institution. Several major conventional banks have since launched various Islamic products and experienced impressive response from the individuals as well as from corporations. Shariah principles related to Islamic financial system not only provide guidance on the financial products pertaining to Islamic banking, but it has also issued pronouncements on how companies can regulate their operations and bring them in line in accordance with the laws of Islamic Shariah. Investing in the equity security of the Shairah compliant companies is allowed for the investors and the return earned on such investment is permissible and ââ¬ËHalalââ¬â¢. There are certain conditions which the company needs to implement in its operational and financial strategy in order to become Shariah compliant. The main The business of the company must not be prohibited as per the laws of Shariah If debt ratio of the company is higher than 33% of its equity capital, then buying the shares of such company is not permissible as per Shariah Islamic scholars have allowed the interest income to be less than 5% of the total income of the company for it to be permissible for investment Relationship between the interest rate and the inflation has been discussed at large in various economic literatures. Both of these variables are responsible for shaping the essential aspects of the economy such as monetary policy and regulating the supply and demand of several commodities. Various studies have been conducted in order to understand the relationship between the interest rate and the rate of inflation. It is generally considered among the economist that the nominal
Monday, October 7, 2019
Conley vs.wilmut Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Conley vs.wilmut - Essay Example Conley stance is harsh and firm: human cloning should not be practiced because it interferes with Godââ¬â¢s creation. Conversely, Professor Ian Wilmut is polite and puts himself on the hot seat to defend the practice. He remains objective and asks tough questions such as, if couples have been denied the right to procreate naturally, what is the harm in trying out new technology like human cloning (Wilmut, 2004). The topic on human cloning has brushed shoulders with high political icons and religious leaders. The ethical part has hit many headlines in the media world and raised eyebrows as to its interference with the natural process of human creation. Wilmut has remained extremely aggressive and has an ego driven attitude towards the whole process and the perception on human cloning (Conley, 1994). Human reproduction has occurred naturally since the dawn of time. However, with current advancements in technology and research, the potential for this to change is very high. Conley has done well to address the burning issue and has made great strides in evaluating the challenges that couples face when they are unable to conceive and bear (Conley, 1994) With his deep-rooted Roman Catholic beliefs, Conley remains a close-minded voice as to the effects of human cloning. Wilmut, on the other hand, is set on killing the stigma. Research has been done in hopes of solving some of these issues. Couples have been genetically challenged to have the right to live a life like any other normal human being (Wilmut, 2004). The pervasiveness of this discourse concerningà the dignity inà todayââ¬â¢s world hasà givenà it a mask of the subject matter that has beenà highlyà contested andà made it vague. Wilmut has observed this in his sixth edition; this concept has become ubiquitous. Conley has claimed that cloning of human embryos has violated the sanctity of the human race. He recommends that it should not be
Sunday, October 6, 2019
GENSTAT Analysis of Variance of Two Seed Statistics Project
GENSTAT Analysis of Variance of Two Seed - Statistics Project Example Nevertheless, their growth started declining drastically and then again increased steadily as depicted in the above graph. Conversely, unaged declined steadily in the initial stages of seedbed preparation then started increasing steadily. This implies that preparation process impacted negatively on the growth of the unaged seeds. Seed preparation directly correlates to the seedling aging. There is the relatively higher frequency with the unaged seeds as compared to the aged seeds. Therefore, this confirms the results of the ANOVA that there are more seedlings with unaged seeds as compared to aged seeds. Conversely, unaged declined steadily in the initial stages of seedbed preparation then started increasing steadily. This implies that preparation process impacted negatively on the growth of the unaged seeds. Seed preparation directly correlates to the seedling aging. There is the relatively higher frequency with the unaged seeds as compared to the aged seeds. Therefore, this confirms the results of the ANOVA that there are more seedlings with unaged seeds as compared to aged seeds.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
How to play soccer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How to play soccer - Essay Example There are many ways to hit the ball; one can acquire any style feasible to him for hitting. Positions on a soccer field holds significant importance for a player. Choosing a position in soccer is important because you need to know what to do and how to do it. Playing soccer is not just about hitting the ball, is about choosing the position you want to play. Different positions in soccer offer various roles to hit the target behind the opponent goal line. The first position is goalie, in it you canââ¬â¢t let the ball cross the goalie line; if one does the game is considered as lost. Second position is defense, one need to stop opponents from reaching goal line, one need to keep the rivals as far as from goalie. The next position is a midfield and it also plays an important role. Midfielders help the defense players when it is required and they also workout the attack strategy for the defense players to get thee ball and hit a score. In the Midfield position one needs to be actively involved in quick decision making and acting upon them. If the midfielders are called the brain of the play that would likely suit them. Their main aim is to either acquire the ball or to build pressure on the opponent team. The last but not the least are the forward players their only job is to score a goal for the team. It demands a lot of skill. They work opposite to the defense players of the other team. Every game must follow rules to make it a fair square game. Soccer also has rules t for both teams. The first rule is the duration of the match, where one needs to play two halftimes of 45 minutes with a break of 15 minutes in between. The second rules is a free kick or penalty, this rule applies when one kicks, trips ,jumps, strikes, pushes or tackles an opponent intentionally. The last rule is, if one hits or pushes a player he will get a preventive yellow card. If a player gets two yellow cards that would be considered as one red card and the player would be out of the
Friday, October 4, 2019
Understanding Attitudes and Behavior Essay Example for Free
Understanding Attitudes and Behavior Essay The results support three out of the four hypotheses. The subscales knowledge, affect, intended behaviour and actual behaviour have a significant correlation, that is a change in one generates changes in another. Finding that knowledge is significant could be because the participants are University students and are likely to have a greater depth of general knowledge that the norm. On the other hand having a low knowledge score could be irrelevant to the actual behaviour. This is the conclusion of Maloney et als` study. Another consideration is maybe the hypothesis is wrong; knowledge could be significant in the ecological behaviour of an individual. Maloney et al did not find a correlation but Yule and Knussen (1998) did although to a lesser degree than the other subscales. It might be that it is not the specific knowledge across the spectrum of ecological issues that prompts to action. The items used may have had no relevance in the pro environmental attitude of the participant. Breadth of knowledge may lack significance however having a general, superficial knowledge of the subject or a deep knowledge of a specific area might correlate. In psychology it is generally regarded that knowledge of a subject has no significance with actual behaviour however it is unlikely that one would act to preserve the environment without some knowledge however unclear to prompt to action, especially in areas where recycling involves more effort than separating the items and putting them out for collection. Although there may be a smaller correlation with the other subscales it could be that knowledge is indeed significant but results may be forthcoming only when the inventory tackles the areas the pro-environmentalist is interested in and has a greater knowledge, e.g. a person may decide to recycle because they wish to conserve earths natural resources whereas another may do so because pollution kills. Both may recycle but for different reasons and their knowledge could be in-depth in separate but related areas. Possible behaviour needs a certain amount of knowledge to motivate but knowledge in itself does not necessarily activate behaviour. Ajzen and Fishbein concluded, from their studies, that traditional methods of attitude measurements were flawed but possibly modern attitude and behaviour measurements are also flawed. Perhaps when building the items to be used for the attitude measurement there would be a need to fit the items to particular social groups e. g. lower working class or long term unemployed may not buy environmentally friendly products as they are too expensive for a limited budget. Perhaps their contribution to recycling goes as far as reusing supermarket carriers as nappy sacks, using empty jars for home made jam, buying second hand goods, or using food scraps for humus in the garden but it is still recycling and is not included in CALECOL. Likewise a person with limited finances may have no way to get any items to a recycling point as a lot of local councils do not have collection days for recyclable goods. Their actual behaviour score would be reduced as a result of this biased slant to those that are financially able to buy environmentally friendly products. In the CALECOL Inventory (see appendix ii) there are a few items that may be irrelevant to certain areas of the population and as a result give a distorted score. For example actual behaviour subscale item 4 and intended behaviour item 9 12 mentions politics and environmental issues. Some religions actually prohibit voting for political parties and this item would affect the scoring. Transport difficulties mean taking items to be recycled is not possible for a lot of people(Item 9, actual behaviour. This Inventory is also biased towards the able bodied. Some environmentalists are disabled and unable to get out to clean up, use public transport, deliver leaflets or take items to a recycling point. This highlights the problems with measuring attitudes using inventories. The items used cannot be measured on everyone and therefore gives an unrealistic evaluation of their attitudes and the relationship to their behaviour. Age may affect the scores as most young people live at home and their actual behaviour may largely be under the control of their parents. So they may have the knowledge, strength of feeling and intention to be ecological but lack the means e. g. they will not usually decide which products to buy for the home or whether to recycle items. Age may also be a significant factor in revealing a correlation between the subscales. It would be interesting to find out if say the 18 24 age group subscales scores are significantly lower than the 36 44 age group. The evidence from this small study was that it might be as it was mostly the older members of the class that had the highest scores. This could be because as one ages one might ponder on the consequences of ones actions more. Pollution could be directly affecting their children and parents might want to make a contribution to their offsprings future environment. Another area that could be investigated is location. Do rural areas recycle more than towns or cities? What role does local social norms play in recycling behaviour? Measurement scales could be tailored to suit a particular class of individual, whether grouped by area, social class, disabled etc, to gain a more realistic measurement of their attitude. As attitudes are hypothetical constructs, theories and investigations will continue to be made. Through time, no doubt, measurement scales will grow more sophisticated in their search to accurately measure attitude components and their links with actual behaviour but without tailoring it is unlikely that all the items in an attitude inventory will apply to all participants in equal measure. REFERENCES Ajzen, I. , Fishbein, M. (1982). Understanding Attitudes and Behavior, Theoretical Implications. In J. C. Brigham, L. S. Wrightsman (ED. ), Contemporary Issues in Psychology (4th ED), pp127 137. Monterey, California, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. Aijzen, I. , Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social behaviour. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Cited in Zimbargo and Leippe, (1991). The Psychology of Attitude and Social Influence. United States of America, McGraw Hill Maloney, M. P. , Ward, M. O. Braucht, C. N. (1975). A revised scale for the measurement of ecological attitudes and knowledge. American Psychologist, 30, 787-790
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